The ambush

The next morning brought refreshment, fulfilment, and joy to Rachel's heart, its been months since she felt this well rested, and this ready for a new task.

A whistle made her ears pitch and she saw Miles come over with what seems to be a proper leash and choker.

"Morning girl, did you have a good rest?" He asked opening the gate.

'Yes human' she said hopping onto her hind legs and pawing his chest.

Miles laughed brushing her ears, despite the fact that she saw this as mistreatment, he was basically treating her like a pet, usually she'd have liked to have it her way, but Rachel did actually enjoy those ear rubs.

"Let's go girl, early morning patrol, and you can come with"

'Ah perfect' she thought, there when nicely alone she'll spill her secret and threaten him to join Kennedy's little escapade later today, she had to see what lies north.

"Heya Miles! You going on patrol?" Jones called coming with two bags of dog food.