A safe location

Breaking through brush Ezbar blinked seeing a tall bulky man standing there waiting for them, Rachel approached him holding a hand to her new discovery.

"This is it, I've found a scientist that will help us Michael, so come to me again and say I'm too careless!"

"I said you bite too careless, nothing about the job you're doing!" He barked back.

"Have you some sort of transport?" She asked.

Michael looked at Ezbar, scanned him up and down "You sure? He looks a little young to be a scientist"

"I already told you! He's quite capable!" Rachel yelled.

"Fine! Follow me" he said walking off.

Rachel glanced at Ezbar as she followed then shrugged "Don't mind him, he's an over caring super cautious asshole"

"I heard that!" Michael said.

"But you are!"

"It helps to be Rachel, we cannot give our game away before the final curtain is drawn, otherwise we'll have the world's military on our asses"