A step ahead of Jasper

To be one step ahead of your enemy, that was a line used in terms of warfare, but Cleopatra has never really waged war.

It was always battle after agonising battle against the Aniwaya and she was getting tired of it.

Yes she has tried Pangaea many times but the very forces there are too much, dragons, elves, wizards and warlocks, all of them posed their own unique threat, unlike the humans of earth who are practically harmless.

The wizards, warlocks, sorceresses and witches all come from humans there, some sort of essence gives them the special ability to cast magical spells that can be devastating, and Cleopatra was yet to discover what that essence was.

That was her initial target, that secret, some say its a crystal found all around Pangaea that let's of magic, and yes humans can learn to use magic thanks to the very flow of that crystal's power all over Pangaea.