Cate and Guinevere

"Get close to them someway, be as unsuspecting as possible, they don't know about you, they don't know who you are, and kill them"

Eyes sleeted staring at her Cleopatra couldn't help feel excitement, now almost sixteen years after the mistake Naomi made in Angola, the betrayal of Quintin, here stood the next possible outcome.

Sixteen year old Cate, the so called saber, a born hellcat as their nickname goes.

Cleopatra admired the fact that Naomi fell in love with Quintin, she's always been the most obedient wolf she had, and thought for sure because of his love for Naomi he'd side with her in a heartbeat.

But he chose righteousness, he chose the world instead of her, the amount of humans who stood chance of falling victim to Cleopatra's rule.

Now though, it all came full circle.

"What about their son? Isn't he the real target?" Cate asked.