Jasper's contingency

Holding her as tight as he dared Derrick leaned in and opened the door.

"Mother! Father! I need help!" He screamed into the house.

Michael came running into the living room and found him standing soaked in blood, just as the girl in his arms.

"What the blazes happened to her!?"

"Seth threw her into a glass recycling bin!"

"What!? That little bastard!" Michael yelled standing aside so Derrick could pass him, he carried her after Dianne to the bathroom where she gestured to lay her in the tub.

"Move you two! I'm going to have to get these clothes off her! Michael get the medkit!" She yelled.

Derrick stepped back watching Guinevere groan in the bath, she was barely holding on, Michael shoved him aside, gave Dianne the kit and closed the door.

"Will she be okay?" Derrick asked.

"Are you kidding me!? Why didn't you phone an ambulance!?"

"She insisted I help her!"

"Go to the living room, get out of that clothes first!"