Werewolves and Vampires

Koos' mind was in a tug of war, he has never seen Blair before yet here this woman clams its her, on a photo given by some farm lady, to a two bit bounty hunter named Big John?

He had to admit she looked like the much younger version of Anna, the poncho and everything, but could it be her? Celeste knew her by name.

He looked up to the brunette who sat staring at him over her glasses, then he shrugged "I've never seen her before"

"Of course you wouldn't have! Unless Blair is immortal she's long dead of old age, but its with her it started..." Celeste said taking out more photos.

One by one she lied them out in front of him, Jasper, Cleopatra, a woman dressed as a pirate, three more men he didn't recognize but they were bulky, and then two more women, one was clearly Japanese.

The last photo she placed down was a man with a silver eye, and one dark purple just like Blair's.

Celeste sat back and folded her arms "Any of those ring a bell?"