Also from the Astral plains?

"Danté Exavier, Kane?" Koos asked "What your mother couldn't decide so she gave you three?"

He chuckled "Kane is my hunter name, I don't use it as much anymore since the Silver cross is now disbanded"

"How so?" Celeste asked.

"Vlad and his bloodline are cured of the vampire, they're no threat anymore"

She stood forward a step "But, Rebecca then?"

"I'm probably the last one with vampire still in me" she answered.

"Wait you two are vampires?" Koos asked.

"No, we're hybrids, vampire and wolf in one"

Just when it seemed they had one creature stamped in the encyclopedia another one pops up.

"The fok!? So you're telling me a vampire boned a werewolf?"

"Yes, my father was a vampire prince, well, now a king, and my mother is a werewolf from the Lunpa pack" Rebecca said.

"Lunpa?" Koos asked looking at Celeste.

"Yes, America has a few packs, Lunpa, Turok, Aniwaya, to name a few" she said.