Time to start believing

Celeste sat watching Koos drag on that cigarette like there's no tomorrow, his men are well behaved, keeping quet this whole time to speed up the process.

She realized they were such a well united unit that they knew exactly what the other thought about and didn't even have to verbally communicate anything, accept for the laughing.

They were men, let's put them humans, who fought against the highest target, the most dangerous one, and so far used all their recourses to kill just one.

They must be pissed for finding out Jasper was the biggest threat above all, and now with no tools or weapons how will they come back from it? If Koos felt like having a heart to continue this fight.

On the other side of the spectrum was Danté and Rebecca, him being a vampire hunter must have seen the darkest pits of the underworld, but here he still was, breathing, and willing to help.