I was such a child

Alice watched herself in the mirror after she dressed in the clothing Anna gave her, it was a little short, the dress came to just below her knees and the sleeves sat high behind her wrists, this was the first time she wore a black dress.

Back in her days as a captain and an Admiral, she did take some pride in wearing bright clothes that fitted her eyes and hair, now she couldn't help feel she was dressed for a funeral.

Behind her Eyvor had a dark blue dress, but her being slightly shorter made it fit better, accept for her bosom fighting against the front side of the cotton.

Alice turned to her as she pushed them up and around to make it feel more comfortable, but to no avail, and Eyvor sighed.

"Quite a healthy set of breasts you have there girl, but it seems the dress isn't liking their size" Alice said chuckling.

"It feels like I'm being choked, the top piece of this is too tight"