Sing the song...

Cold was the waters of the wide blue ocean, the wet mass was so vast, so unexplored, so lonely.

Ice and ravines, coral reefs and sunken ships, places few have found, few have seen.

The Titanic, resting peacefully on the bottom of the Atlantic, more and more joined it over the years, some through storms, some kissed the sharp end of a rock, others waged war and blew the hulls open so the ocean can tame the steel.

On and on one could only swim to see, find a place happy to be, no one else but sharks and dolphins, occasionally a ship would pass over, occasionally a diver would swim too close to his death.

But it was a cold day, the water was always that cold to the touch no matter where one goes, and that day got colder when the net closed in.

Where he found the knowledge of the existence was beyond reason, no one told Jasper, he found it out, he figured it out, and now the world stands facing her voice... Her voice...