What about the other?

Howls broke the night and Blair slowly walked out the bar to stand on its porch, the song said it all, attack... Attack... And she could hear by the smoothness of Alteltiella's voice no man or lower ranked wolf can resist its charms.

"He... Could not have used a better singer" she said.

"Is that what I think it is?" Alice asked.

"Yes, he's turned every other wolf against us, against man, this is so disgraceful, wolves should be considered guardians not enemies" Blair said.

From out the dark they came like a swarm, wolves, werewolves and of Amarinth's cursed canines stormed up the street of town with foam in their mouths.

"Oh fok! Holy shit there's a lot of them!" Koos yelled stepping down, there was so much in fact he didn't know where to start.

But Blair wove a hand and from the shadows surrounding them normal sized wolves appeared and intercepted the stampede.