The hunters will merge

"Many years ago Vlad Dracul met a woman named Rachel, it was during one of his conquests to take over land, but she apparently showed bravery in the eyes of death and he spared her" Danté explained as they drove north fron New york.

Celeste sat patiently listening, this was where the world of hunters merged, she knew of the Silver cross and she knew of the hunters consisting of vampires that belonged to one called Raphael, now though she gets to meet and learn more about them all.

In the back the very princess as her title is known sat looking out a window, Celeste saw Rebecca didn't quite find the story amusing.

"Rachel soothed over Vlad's heart and calmed him, he gave up his days of blood and lived with her, but then Rachel challenged one of the six elder vampires Vlad made as his generals, and lost"

"Wait why would Rachel do that?"