Friendship over duty

Celeste picked the phone up from the table and frowned "That's odd?"

"What happened?" Raphael asked "You think we lost connection?"

"I think she crushed that phone" Danté said chuckling "You heard her right? She doesn't trust humans, my theory is the people who took that photo with her betrayed her"

Celeste sighed hanging her head back "Dammit, all I want is answers"

"And I think in due time we will get them, for now let's put our focus on finding Jasper" Raphael said walking to an elevator and pressing the button.

"If Jasper is as dangerous as we think isn't it best to let Blair face him?" Celeste asked as they all stepped in.

"You have a point, but the way I see it that military unit you just spoke to doesn't have their tech anymore right?"


"I still have all my tracking equipment, and with it I think we can zero on in Jasper's location"