Call the witches for help

"Jasper" Shakira said tapping one button on her keyboard rapidly.

"What is it?" He asked.

She glanced at him "Someone is trying to trace our signal"

He stood up to come over and leaned in to see, the bunker now at least was somewhat normal, as soon as Alteltiella sang everyone there accept Jasper himself had to place in earplugs to drown out her voice.

In the tank she floated watching them all, feeling used, her voice was a means of hunting yes, but to think Jasper turned it into a weapon and aimed it at the world.

She looked down at the damn fish he gave her, it was all she ate recently, not a spec of warm flesh, not a scent in the water of mammal blood.

It made her feel like a true monster, here being used to kill and kill, and she still starves for human flesh.