Shrouded in black

It was an awkward moment, Rebecca was in tears but everyone else stood in awe, Celeste realized this woman must have played a big role in the past of many.

Although, this woman named Villa Du Bois clearly wasn't happy being here, she stepped down from the door to face Safira but Rebecca flew into her arms.

"Mother! I can't believe I get to see you again!" She yelled crying.

Villa halted her vengeful approach to Safira and closed her arms around Rebecca, but her eyes came to Tala who now stood smiling.

"It, well I know..." Villa said but Tala held her hand up.

"No need to say anything Villa Du Bois, you raised her well, it warms my heart to see her happy"

"Just know that..."

Tala wove that hand again "Please don't, she calls me mother as well, Rebecca has all the right to see you as that, I respect it"