This technology

Nostalgia, the bush, here where it all began, Koos ordered Piet to drive to Lanceria airport and from there they took a flight to the north of Namibia.

Now though they were already into a five hour drive over the border of Angola, and here the memories of the old bush war came back to life.

Blair realized the men had eyes out constantly, they were chatting the way through of plans and strategies, even told her how they managed to defeat Cleopatra down to the last letter.

Yet now, they said nothing "What is it you three?" She asked looking out the window "I sense the presence of something here, lurking in the grass, are you sensing it too?"

Koos shook his head "Oh, yes we do but its not that"

"I thought so, the presence is wolf like but not, its cowardly, inferior and afraid of the light" she said.

He looked back to her "This is where we met Naledi, where we discovered your world"