Fog of war

Koos, Piet and Frits stood by watching the female wolves storm the pack of brown hyenas head on, yes they were larger than them, but the hyenas out numbered them ten to one.

Piet snorted "Fok doesn't this bring back memories? Difference is now we don't have the Ratel"

"And its not Naledi's clan, its Nina's" Frits said looking to Koos "Who took over from her after she died?"

"If I'm not mistaken its a woman named Ruth, but that barley matters, if Naledi made her pack of spotted hyenas, who was responsible for the brown ones?" Koos asked.

The three watched as the wolves tore into the pack, all of them had poised and focused attacks accept for Eyvor, she was blindly biting and clawing, leaving her open for some hyenas to pounce her from behind.

"Eyvor! Pay attention!" Alice roared coming to her aid but she got taken down by a swarm of hyenas.

"Should we go help?" Piet asked.

"Maybe... Blair wanted us to right?" Frits said.