She's also an Aniwaya

Draven still assessed his options when a sensation shrilled his spine, he turned away from the giant wolf and looked west to the sky.

"What is it Draven? Your opponent is not that way?" Kazemei asked.

"I feel a disturbance inside the Torii no Kuro, a soul not pure but not evil has found its way there, and is trapped inside"

"Trapped? This is the first you tell me someone can get trapped there?"

"I as well was not aware that this is possible, what should I do?"

"You say the soul is not pure nor evil? What do you think, can this soul be drawn to our side?"

Draven stared in that direction with determined eyes, Leona stayed herself watching him, news about this black gateway was always welcome, Jasper didn't speak much of it after all, and it is something Blair can use.

"He... He's challenging an entity inside that consists of great evil, I will admit I do not possess the skill or strength to defeat it"