Because you love what's behind you

"Well, I think you can keep the sex, this definitely ain't worth it" the man said to Villa over the phone.

She frowned "Oh, my body not good enough hey?"

"No it's not that, the... This is a pit of Hell! What the fuck is going on here!?"

"That's why I asked you to go check! I don't know!?"

"Snow, yes I'll confirm the snow but there are two wolves here bigger than houses! One just came out of some sort of... Sort of! I don't fucking know! It just appeared from a crack in the sky! The clouds are dark, red colored lightning is flashing everywhere! The snow turned fucking purple!"

"A crack!?" Villa said placing the phone on loudspeaker.

"Yes, it broke the sky just broke and fell like pieces of glass and this demented wolf walked out there, its eyes are burning with purple fire, and its canines also seemed to be burning... Villa, this is it! Its the end of the world!" He screamed and dropped the line.