Follow her voice

It all went south, very quickly, Blair sat inside her cage ears dropped and tears running, why her? Why did it have to be her that ended up drawing the shortest straw.

"Don't cry beloved wolf, I am very grateful for you" Jasper said close by.

"Jasper, you may be grateful but you're evil, by heart, by soul, I trusted you in the beginning, you even fooled me by promising you'll guard England"

He watched her without an expression on his face, then sighed looking down "You were merely a girl back then, we all feared the day you'd return, and bring judgement upon us, but here you are, fooled again, don't you learn from your mistakes?"

Blair said nothing, what could she say? The man was right.

"I do have sympathy, that's why you're still alive, and the evil Mitena is dead, you don't have to thank me" he said standing back.