A true Aniwaya

Piet followed tow on Koos to head to the girls, but Frits remained and turned to the pack.

"Listen, were going to get nowhere if we all face this, I suggest you leave the girls to us and go after the siren" he said.

"But what about that thing in the sky!?" Alice asked.

"We know what it is so we can deal with it, all of you go into the bunker, the more of us are out here the easier it will be to hit us with that gunship"

"Gun... Ship, is that the thing you used to kill Cleopatra?" Alice insisted.

"No but we did use it to destroy the fokken pyramid, now go!"

That was enough to spark uncertainty into those who came from long ago, they all shifted back into their werewolf forms and entered the cave, Alice stopped to give them one last glance, the girls Koos attacked were very agile.

Leaping into the air and shifting to her hybrid form Kisara landed on Koos' face, clawed and bit violently at his eyes as he shook his head.