Riddle to end it all

"If there was any other way, if I could somehow fix my mistakes without bringing harm to the world, it take it in a heartbeat" Blair said closing her eyes.

Maikah watched her concentrate hard despite the tears dripping to the floor that can't be seen.

She sighed lowering her ears and pushed her head against the bars "There is..."

Blair looked up "How?"

"Girl, you've became a mother, you've sacrificed so much for the is world, and yet now when the only way you can truly end it all in risks calamity, mother nature is a fierce woman, and she's not to be taken lightly"

"I know that Maikah, that's why I'm not sure I can release the elements safely..." She closed her eyes pinching them to drip the tears.

"Fire has fuel everywhere and blown by the winds its heat will rise to swallow the living.

Air drops and rises with heat and cold, down mountains and up valleys, surely to spur on the twister, the hurricanes that wipes out the living...