Unleash mother nature

"The riddle is simple mother" Draven said coming out of hiding, Blair never realized he was here, Jasper didn't, not even Maikah.

"S... Son..." She said and sank her ears "I never really got to call you that much"

"I know, so call me that all you want, the riddle Maikah spoke of means the end of the Aniwaya" he said and clutched the bars of her cage.

"The... End?"

Draven took his mask off so he'd be sure Blair can see his face "We love each other thanks to being blood related, but I... I'm sorry mother, the end of you, means the end of the Aniwaya, and that will ultimately end the madness"

"Is that's what Maikah meant? I have to... Die?"

He nodded "You have the bloodline of the Aniwaya in you, yes its been carried over to me, but I'm not an Aniwaya, I never met one, so... Its your choice mother, you can attempt to fight Jasper using the gifts you have, or end it, by dying"