Gave the gift back

Jasper had some sort of otherworldly endurance, Blair bit and attacked him relentlessly but he still good his ground, still fought back, started laughing even, and that made Blair angrier, madness settled in deeper and the flames rose higher.

"That's right Aniwaya, show the world why you don't belong here!" He bellowed and conjured from the black gates more of his crystal like weapons.

They shot into her but she was barely phased, her fury escalated and the earth started to tremble, the clouds tripled their density and rain poured from the heavens.

Alice and Eyvor stood in awe watching this calamity unfold, Blair though seemed so focused on killing Jasper that the world around her had no saying in the matter, she was letting it all go, and didn't care of the consequences.

"Blair! You must stop this!" Alice screamed but the wolf didn't listen.