The end of the Aniwaya

As the song of the siren once sounded all round the world now the voice of mother nature hum's a different coo of serenity, settling into every fiber of the world and taking back one of her most guarded secrets, one of her most special gifts, the Aniwaya.

For eons the Bremuda triangle and the Alaskan triangle bared events that man kind cannot explain, the sudden disappearance of people who are never seen again, ships, even planes, vanishing from the sky.

Til this day man kind remains oblivios to the truth, and thanks to Blair's sacrifice will remain that way for the rest of natural existence.

Giving up the gift wasn't painful, she stood in the arms of Skoll, warm against his chest, the man she fell in love with, the father of her son, no, it wasn't painful at all, it was peaceful, and to her a breath of freedom that no one would ever understand.