Ex-centric Self

Sunday began with the same routine. I woke up too early to my liking and took a shower. Then, I ate cookies filled with chocolate, accompanied by pineapple jam and milk.

The weather had been getting hotter gradually, signaling the approach of spring. Still, it was cold enough for me to wear something warm to the university.

Jun, Sachiko, and I met there and spent the following hour doing the same, boring stuff Mrs. Kawahara asked us to do.

I couldn't wait any longer and lit up a cigarette as soon as we stepped off of the campus. However, the tightness didn't go away this time, and I knew very well why. I didn't plan to do it like this, but I would explode if I didn't do something about it quickly.

"Sachiko," I called as I stopped walking on the sidewalk.

Both she and Jun looked back at me and stopped walking when they saw I had stopped.

"Is something the matter?" Sachiko asked.