Let Go II

Jun's mother smirked at me as I walked toward her in the living room. Her face looked more like Jun's than his father's. She wore a dark-blue dress with bell sleeves and golden embellishments, a thin yellow necklace, two silver bracelets, and black heels.

"Ms. Shimizu, it's nice to see you…"

She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me before I could even bow. I didn't know if I should've hugged her back, so I stood still.

"I missed you so much, sweetheart," she said.

I could barely breathe as I replied, "Me… too."

She stepped back, allowing me to breathe again. She slid her hands down my arms until reaching my hands.

"Look at you, you've grown so much since high school graduation. You're a mature woman now," she added.

"Thank you," I laughed nervously.

"Why did you dye your hair?"

"B… because I thought it would look pretty."