Let Go III

Ms. Shimizu stood in front of the gate. She looked down at it and took a deep breath before pushing it open. We followed her into the front yard and to the front door. She raised her hand to ring the doorbell, but she kept it in the air for a while.

"Mom, are you alright?" Jun worried.

She answered, "Yes, I was just taking my time."

Her smile appeared out of nowhere, making it seem forced.

A high-pitched bell rang as soon as her finger pressed the button. We stood still until steps stomped down the stairs. The lock clicked and the door opened to reveal Mr. Nishida. His eyes opened wide for a moment, then the lack of emotion returned to his face.

"Are you going to take me to a psychiatric hospital or hand me over to the police?" he growled.

Ms. Shimizu answered, "It's good to see you for the first time in five years too."

He glanced at Jun and me standing behind Ms. Shimizu.