As Expected

Three suited men and two women arrived at the entrance of the office. They inspected the place, while we employees glanced at them in silence.


I turned around to see that the progress of the building process on Jun's computer was at fifty-three percent. Even though it had been accelerating, it still wasn't enough.

Sachiko approached the suited people and bowed at them. They did the same and talked to Sachiko for a moment. She then guided them into the meeting room before rushing to Mr. Yutaka's and Mr. Yoshihiko's office. Sachiko hadn't stepped in yet and the two of them were already sprinting out and heading to the meeting room.

Sachiko didn't enter the meeting room with Mr. Yutaka and Mr. Yoshihiko and approached Jun instead.

"Jun, where's the build?" she asked.

"It's at sixty-one percent. It will be done in around seven minutes."