Life is Strange

The three members of Games Under Radar left after interviewing Mr. Yutaka and Mr. Yoshihiko in their office an hour later. Sadly, it wasn't even noon and I already wanted to go home.

Even sadder was the fact that I had to wake up early on a Sunday.

Sachiko and I ate breakfast before heading out of the house. We walked to the station and took the train toward the university where we were going to meet with the Kawahara scientists.

We arrived at the entrance of the campus fifteen minutes later and walked through the garden toward the laboratory.

Sachiko knocked on the door.

"Come in," a woman replied. I couldn't recognize whose voice it was.

Sachiko opened the door for us to step inside. She then closed it behind me.

"Welcome back," Ms. Enko said, sitting in the small office area in the middle of the laboratory. "Please take a seat."

"Thank you," Sachiko replied.

We approached the sofa in front of Ms. Enko and sat down.