
Another day of work began. My head was going to explode if I kept researching how to implement the gacha system any longer.

I removed my headphones and put them on my desk to spin the chair around.


He pulled one side of his headphones forward and replied without looking back at me fully.


"We need to talk."

He sat still for a moment before removing his headphones.

"What about?" he asked.

"The gacha."

"Oh, you had me worried for a second there. Sure, as long as you're not trying to make me convince Mr. Yutaka and Mr. Yoshihiko to not add it. Again."

"I won't. I'm done researching and I'd like to have a meeting with everyone involved, meaning you, Sachiko, Mr. Yutaka, and Mr. Yoshihiko."

Jun's eyes widened. "You? Calling a meeting?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sick of looking for something I won't find, and I want to get back to coding the game."