Afraid No More

"We're glad to have Minami and Tetsuya back and see they are healthy," Mr. Yoshihiko said, "but now that everyone is here, we have an announcement to make."

Mr. Yutaka continued, "Atamco just let us know about their decision to end our partnership and, due to circumstances we can't tell you for legal reasons, BoodieGames has to declare bankruptcy."

"We know this decision might sound rushed and harsh, but without their support and because of the thousands of refunds people are requesting, our financial position doesn't leave us any leeway to defend ourselves in any way."

"We thought about making the company public, but we don't believe investors will bet on us for the reasons we already mentioned. That's why we preferred to use the remaining resources to keep paying your salaries. Unfortunately, we'll only be able to do so for a week, so we recommend you start looking for a new job."