Chapter 4: First Kiss?

"Boyfriend?" Toka seems surprised.

I'm confused, Why did she yelled that I'm her boyfriend?

I didn't see that coming, Now everyone is looking at us.

Kira tightly cling onto my shoulder and I felt

her breast rubbing on me.

Everyone is still staring at us, I feel like they were thinking something unpleasant. I feel some kind of pressure because everyone is still really staring at us. Geez, we're not telivision for you to watch you know!

sigh, Why did she even said that? She's holding me tight that it's starting to hurt my shoulder.

Okay, let's analyze first, I said that I know her and she's my class rep in school, she intensely looked at my hand where Toka is holding and interlock with her fingers as if she was angry or something, Then pulled me, saying "Don't steal my boyfriend" without a second thought, could it be she really likes me? No way! Don't get your hopes up! Don't think that's the case! She's just like her!

Hmmm?..Ah..I know! she doesn't want anyone to get in her ways, she must have thought that Toka will get in her ways, right?..

If she's really just going out with me because she lost on her bet or just messing with me, she doesn't want any other girls to get ahead of her and that's made her do this? she wants me to fall in love with her and hurt me like that bitch, huh?.

I smirked a bit and grit my teeth.

If that's come to this then I'll play along with you. "Honey...?" Uwaogh!! it's cringe!! Why do I have to do this in the first place? Calm down, Matsuki, You got this! I covered my mouth with my other hand and acted like I was shocked. "Could it be... Y-you're jealous."

She looked at me and flushed, she must have realized now what she did. She just caused a commotion in front of the convenience store.

"Why don't you calm down first?" I dazzlingly smiled. "No one is going to steal your beloved boyfriend, I'm only for you after all." I hug her and secretly smirked.

Well, is this what you want, huh? You want me to be head over heels for you? then I'll act for you for a bit.

"Matsuki-kun?..." said Toka, confusedly shocked." You two are dating?..." She must be shocked that someone like me has a girlfriend, huh. Well If I were her I'll be shocked too because I don't possess any traits to attract girls.

"Ah, yeah. For now let's get out of here, we're bothering the customers who want to go in."

I grabbed Kira's hand and Toka tag along with us, now we're at the public bench.

"So, Matsuki-kun has a girlfriend?" Toka mumbled in herself.

"Yeah, I guess." I indifferently said.

Kira is having a glum face while sitting next to me on the bench, and as for Toka, she's standing before us.

"Hehehe." Toka chuckled "...Must be nice to have a beautiful girl as your girlfriend" Toka get close to me and whispered in my ear. Is she trying to tease me?



She's Still not saying anything, huh.

Bzztt!!!..Bzzztt! Bzzztt!..

Toka's phone rang and vibrate in her pocket, she then pick it up after she noticed and answer, "Hello?...Eh! Mom!?."

She keeps some distance to us and talk on her phone.


"Matsuki, you're not cheating on me, right? Kira said in a low tone.

She held both of her hands and looked at me.

"I mean.. y-you're holding her hands earlier even though you didn't hold my hands when I asked you. earlier"

Cheating, huh.. Why do I hate that word again?.. Sigh, whatever. I have to say something so she wouldn't suspect me that I don't like her.

"Why would I do something like that? I actually hate that word so there's no way!" I held both of her hands and said, "I only like you so don't worry! I will never do something like that!" Acting like I was some sort of cool protagonist in a manga, I looked in her eyes and embrace her for at least five seconds and let go.

Hehehe do you like that? That's what you want to hear, right?

Hoping to see her grinning face, I focused my sight on her.

But what I saw was not the expresion of someone who would be happy that everything is according to her plan. Her face is...flushed red and tears streamed down on her face.

"Kira?" Felling surprised, I moved back an inch without thinking.

"Eh? I-I'm crying?.. " Kira noticed her tears, "I'm happy, I'm happy to hear that Matsuki-kun also feels the same about me, I'm happy, Im glad---" she wiped her tears,

"---I thought Matsuki-kun doesn't like me, so uh... I'm really happy that you said that you like me too"

Huh?..The hell? She's crying? bursting in tears as if she was some kind of actress.

What's with her? No, Don't be fooled by that. She's just acting, right?. I mean, I already experienced this, this kind of thing had already happened with that girl, she also cried on my shoulders before, She may be like that bitch too,

but H-her acting is..No, don't panic! Let's see... Don't be fooled by that! If you believe her you're gonna hurt yourself!

"I-is that so?" I avert my eyes from her and turned sideways. Ugh shit! She really reminds me of her. What should I do? Think! Think!

Searching into my memory, I remembered one of the things that bitch said to me. 'We should only do holding hands because we're still young' That's right, that bitch didn't let me even kiss her because she doesn't really like me. So what if I do something like kissing her?


Hearing Toka's voice bring me back to my collected self.

I see her restlessly ran towards us and said, "Sorry, my mom is asking me to go home now because it's getting late."

"Can you go home on your own now?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, it's just pass that building" She pointed her hand at the colored green building several meters away from us. "Thanks for walking me home. See you later!"

"Yeah, be careful."

She waved her hand, bid a farewell and immediately ran off.

Her figure is shrinking and gradually fading at the point that I can't see her anymore.

Sigh, Alright! Toka is gone now, cut the crap and do something now, Matsuki!

I looked at Kira, only to see her satisfied smiled on her face. I gulp and get myself together. She's stunningly beautiful as always and have a dignified aura around her. Well, I guess that makes sense from someone who belongs to a wealthy family.

"So, what's your deal?" I glared at her, hoping for her to stop acting like she really likes me.


"Haaa.." I exhaled and stood up.

"It's pretty late now, let's go home."


She stood and held my hands.

"Your hands?"

"W-what about it?"

"Let go of my hand." I tried to shake off her hands but..

"Why?" She grip her clothes,

"Do you not like it?" She looked down on the ground and become quiescent. After a few seconds she tightly held my hand and I felt her hand throbbing really fast.

"E-earlier you don't mind holding that girl's hand.."

Sigh, Don't make that face, it's making me feel bad.


Sigh, Whatever, What should I do now? Should I do something ridiculous here, right now? I mean we're alone together and maybe this is my chance.

I pulled her and ran really fast towards the building that has no lights. She just let me and thenwhen we finally found ourselves near the back of the building that seems to be restaurant, I pushed her against the wall.

"Ehh!!" feeling surprised on my actions, she stammered.

I felt rise hot up on my cheek. Feeling nervous, I heard my heart beating so fast. Shit! It's my first time doing this and I don't have any experience, but whatever. I don't care!

I touched her face, cupping her cheek over so gently, "M-Matsuki-kun?" Kira, looking at me with wonder.

l I couldn't bring myself to care about what she feels.

As I move closer, so close I could smell the sandalwood of her shampoo, and the silky cream that must've used on her skin, skin that burned my hand to touch.

My heart began to pound, Even in the darkness of a quarter moon, her eyes were beautiful amber, I bent my neck and so I could meet her lips. Shit! Don't be nervous! You can do this! This is how they do it in romantic movies, right?.. Sigh, Whatever, I already got this far, there's no turning back. I looked carefully at her,


she's just looking at me as if she was waiting for something.

Without hesitation, I smashed my lips against hers, as if trying to flatten and destroy her mouth.


Kira was shocked as I saw her eyes widened when I grabbed her head to keep her from escaping.


As aggressively as possible, I slip my tongue in her mouth, I felt her hands trembling and gasping at the same time. I couldn't help myself but to get nervous as I was experiencing something I've never once did before. But I keep thinking that this is a way to hurt her. Surely girls don't like their kissed to be stolen from them, especially with a guy you don't like.

She tried to push me away but I keep pulling her close, I unintentionally fondled her breasts and felt it soft sensation. after a few moments I finally let go of her lips.

Having a sinister smiled, I look at her, hoping to see her angry and miserable face, but what was shown in front of me was not the expression I was expecting.

I see her expression, yeah she's shocked but that's not the expression I want and where's the slap? Don't girls slap guys when someone have stolen a kiss from them?

"Wah! M-matsuki-kun...." She stuttered and touched her lips.

Her face is beet red and she seems flustered, "S-sudenlly Ki..K-kissing me without s-saying anything is..." She covered my mouth with her hands" Say it if you wanted to kiss!" She yelled, pouted and turned sideways. "th-that's my first kiss."

Huh? What the hell?..F-first kiss?