Chapter 5: Morning Convo


What am I doing? Did you thought I was counting some money or beating my meat because I was gasping?

Well, Don't expect me to do that,

I am doing push ups, Why? Well...I want to keep my self busy, I want to forget what I did, I just kissed Kira and I can't seem to forget it...I mean, it's my first time and I felt really nervous back there, but I managed it. "Haaah.." But still, her reaction is totally different, I didn't expect it, She said it's her first time, Wehh?? That's sounded unbelievable, I mean she's gorgeous, there's no way that's her first time, right? She must have done it before in other guy.

Tchh.. I should be the one who should said that that was my first kiss, but well I don't really care about first kiss.


Let's wrap this up.

I stopped exercising and take a bath, after changing into my uniform, I headed to school.

If you're wondering what happened after we kiss, well. It got awkward. She become quite and had a super red face, 'she must be angry deep inside her mind' is what thought. Well, I accompany her for a bit but after a few moments, she said some excuse that she needs to get home as soon as possible and she left me alone, so I just went home and sleep.

Our classroom at the middle of the week, Wednesday.

Kira greeted me with a warm smile upon seeing me, "Good morning."

After wavering for a few seconds, I quickly replied, "Morning," and hurried to my desk.

I don't want to look at her as of now because it reminds me of what happened last night. If possible I wanted to put some distance between us and not see her face for a while. Because looking at her face would remind me of that kiss. Sigh, that had become a stuck memory I wanted to bury as fast as possible.

However, Kira is a girl that wouldn't let me.

"M-matsuki-kun, your collar is awry," she pointed out cheerfully and stood naturally before me as if this had been her place for a hundred years.

Then she fixed my collar with her white slender fingers.

Below my eyes was her white neck. I closed them firmly for a moment as if to shake off my stray thoughts.

My collar wasn't awry at all. What's her deal? It's kinda suspicious.

"When are you free ?" whispered Kira, moving her lustrous lips.

Did she need something to accomplish again?

"I'm busy till next year." I indifferently said as much as possible so she would get it but I feel like she didn't even hear me.

"I am free next week on Saturday evening," She held her hands together and I see her trembling as always. "My mother shoul--"

She paused for a bit and pinch her thumb. "Should be late o-on that day, too, because of a meeting of the association."


Why is she telling me that her mother will be late? I don't need such information, Sigh.

Do you even think I'd say 'Yes'?

No way I'll do what you want and go to your house, I couldn't even imagine what will happen if I go to her house. What is she scheming this time?

"Like I said, I'm pretty busy, so I won't go to your house."

"I-is that so..T-then, when are you free?"

It looks like I have to be clear to her since she doesn't understand that I won't go to her house.

I approached until we were nose to nose, and declared point-blank:

"I don't have any time to play around," Kira face has become red and her shoulders seem to have stiffen. "Why do we even need to meet on weekends? Aren't we already seeing each other for almost every day in school?"

To top off my remark, I flashed an annoyed smile.

Kira lowered her head and "Well..I-I also want to see you on weekends and spend time with you a-and," She looked at me intensely and blinked,

"Y-you don't want to?"

Shit! Don't make that face as if you really wanted to see me.

But still if I said 'No' here, she might suspect me that I don't have an interest on her.(I'm not interested on her)

Let's see, how should I deal with this? Counter, Matsuki!

I glanced at my watch and saw that it's already 6:58. Just two minutes till the bell rang and start of the class.

This may sounds cringe but whatever!

I held her head, "I'm sorry, I forgot your name," Kira seems puzzled.

I hug her and whispered in her ear. "Can I just call you mine?"

I felt Kira soft slender body and shake off my thoughts.


I hugged her more tightly than ever to waste more time but then, I noticed some malicious intent from somewhere.

I glances where it came from and see a guy that I wouldn't want to deal with, It was Miorowa, the guy who adores Kira more than anyone.

Shit! Did I do the right thing or not?

Miorowa being there, I grit my teeth and smirked as if it has already become a habit of mine, huh. He was that one guy that couldn't keep quiet when the topic revolved around Kira Miyoka.

"Hey! Matsuki!"

There he stood, with a grimace resembling the doorkeeper of hell.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Much to my chagrin, he was followed by a regiment of guys who were eager to support him,

"Let go of her!"

"What are you trying to do first thing in the morning?!"

"Is it really true that they're dating?"

The group exchanged glances and then simultaneously cracked a sickening smile. They were making my day a bit annoying.

"Well, as a man it's clear what I I am doing—"

It was up to me to choose, so what? Miorowa and the others had no say about it.

"—as a man one must take the meal, right?"

I didn't like trouble but Whatever I'll just deal with them.



Miorowa and his gang glared at me. As for me, still hugging Kira in front of them with wickedly smile. I'm surprised, Kira is not even moving or saying anything.

"What's happening out there on the back?" Said the girl who was near the black board with her friends.

"Just boys fighting, Not interesting." said the pony tail girl.

I'm surprised that they're not trying to do something, I mean it's about Kira you know, they always eavesdropping when it was about her, can't they see her? Maybe it's because some guys are hindering their view from us.

Miorowa stepped forward with his annoyed face, it was obvious that he's angry because he's been clenching his fist for a long time while glaring at me.


"Well.. I guess, you didn't understand what I just said, and I think that's understandable with that brain of yours." I smirked and provoke him.

He was pissed just like what I'd expected. He just stood there and gritted his teeth.

Well, he can't deny what I said because that's a fact. He's the lowest in this class, I think he's a trash Otaku. I don't like him because of his attitude, He's also disgracing every otaku in this world and that includes me, I considered myself as one but I properly take care of important things, not like him who just go to school just to have an attendance.

"I'll explain to you so you can understand ," I pat Kira's head and she jolted, "Kira is a meal that was served every day in front of you but you didn't take her and just stared at her, hoping to preserve her forever for you to look at, so I grabbed the opportunity to eat the meal because it was served on me, Who wouldn't want to eat a free meal?"


"Y-you.Matsuki!" He yelled. He seemed really pissed now hahaha..

BZZZZZZZZ!!!! Bzzzzt!!!

The bell rang and the teacher has arrived. Sorry for you the class will start now, Heheheh...

"What are you doing there? Get back on your seats!" Kakuri Sensei admonished.

They weren't able to do anything and was forced to go back and seat.

I let go of Kira and looked at her. Her beautiful face is really red but I couldn't care anymore about her face.

"Kira, you should go back to your seat, too." I happily said. Who wouldn't be happy when you're having fun?

"Eeh.. Ri-right..Then, later" She smiled and walked unsteadily towards her seat.

For now I managed to get away and left her question unanswered.

I'll distance myself from her for now because I need to prepare myself for the worst.

And just like that, our morning conversation was over and I felt that some trouble may happen in the future.