Chapter 19: I Walk her home

"I-it's fine...Sa-Satoro."

Kira's face turn red as she turn her face sideways.

Her perfect figure is right before my eyes, lying on the couch while trembling and ready to accept me and let me do everything I want.

Trying to reach her soft face, I brushed it gently and softly. How did it come to this?....

Aren't I supposed to be on the Bar right now?


Six hours earlier.

I changed into my waiter uniform in the staff room; I put on narrow black slacks, did up the buttons of my white shirt and the black vest above,slipped into a pair of wing tip leather shoes and lastlyI wound a rather long apron around my hips. After checking my appearance in front of the mirror, just to be sure,I headed to the Bar.

The instant I entered, I started blending, mixing and pouring some drinks to the customers.


"Sigh" I took a deep breath and sigh in relief upon seeing that the customers are decreasing. I'm probably tired now, well, who wouldn't be tired when you've been serving customers for five hours. It's quite taxing you know.

As I glanced at the window, only to see that the sun had already set long ago. I noticed that a familiar figure of a Middle age woman with a teenager; they entered the bar and beaded towards me who was near the Counter.

"Matsuki-kun, are you doing fine?"

The Manager, greeted me with a smile and Toka waved her hand.

As I was heading toward the customers, but then, the manager stopped me and said: "It's okay now, Toka and I will take over for now, so go on and walk home your girlfriend."



As I was dumbfounded enough, I immediately glanced at the customers to know if they're talking about Kira, then I noticed a girl near the door of our building, A figure of a dignified girl, standing beside the Donuts stall.

It was Kira.

"Go on now and change!" Tap by my manager on my back, I was pushed a Little bit.

"I think you're girlfriend has been waiting there for a long time, you should've let her in." Said Toka and "I can handle it now. For the time being, go and walk home your girlfriend."

"See her off, Matsuki-kun," said the manager at last, siding with Toka like the others.

Powered by this, the whole customers started criticizing me for making Kira wait for me . I was attacked from all sides. Outnumbered. I was completely made out to be the bad guy. When I didn't even know that she's there, sigh.

"Fine, fine, I've got it already! I'll go see her home, okay?" I groaned and jumped out of the uncomfortable staffroom to run to Kira.

To my surprise, I managed to go to her and see her immediately after leaving the Bar.

Kira was leaning against a telephone pole in front of the shop, waiting below a street light like the queen of the night.

"Matsuki-kun, You're finally finished with your job. Good job!"

She spotted me and smiled like a blooming flower—revealing to me that my action wasn't unexpected at all.

I looked up at the night sky in order to suppress my boiling emotions. A crescent moon grinned at me tonight.

"You, What is this?."

"What do you mean?"

"What are you scheming?"

"Eh? T-that's not nice, you know? As a girl I am very frightened to walk alone at night, you know?"

"Then why didn't you have your father pick you up, or ask someone else among your family to see you off, or contact a bodyguard?"

"As what it looks like, you seem to have no idea of how a girl's heart works." she looked down on the ground, bit her lips and looked at me shyly. "I just wanted you to see me home." She laughed as though

she was humming and linked her arm in mine. "Shampoo?" I wondered silently as I could perceive a sweet fragrance of flowers from her.

"Let's go."

From my experiences so far I had learned that one couldn't get free so easily once a girl had taken the lead, but it was also fact that I, only unwillingly accepting her lead, I want to know what will come if I just do what she wants for the time being,

certainly had no submissive nature.

Therefore, the few meters during which my arm was pressed against her full bosom were the purest humiliation to me. Naruki has never leaned this close to me.

I was beyond hope, though, because for just a second I had thought that, while Kira Miyoko herself may have been the most dignified and one of the woman on earth who got close to me, her soft bosom was pressing against me like it was a normal thing.

"I'll walk you home, so please stop this," I begged her with a sigh mixed in, and finally shook her off.

"Too bad. And we had finally created such a nice mood."

Kira was sullen, but her steps remained light.

While watching her black hair dance behind her, I let out a loud sigh.

It may go without saying, but my steps were heavy and fast.

We got on a train heading out of the city and passed through four stations while getting a good shake. When we alighted at our destination, we were in a residential zone in the outskirts.

"I live over there. A few minutes' walk from here."

Kira pointed at a hill. I saw immediately that we would have a hard time climbing, looking at all the shown earlier might have been more than mere acting.

As expected, Even though I'm a fit person, I was completely drained by the time we came to a stop. Kira, accustomed as she was, showed no indication of strain, making her appear more irritating than ever to me.

"Here we are," proclaimed Kira and stood before the entrance.

It was a large peach building. The term "mansion" might be appropriate.

Since her father had been the head of a business technology company, and If I need to include, I thin her relatives were doctors. It was a rather fancy design, constructed with tetrahedrons systematically put together, giving it an overall geometric feel. I would have nodded in comprehension if someone had told me it was the house of a physicist.

There was no light inside so her mother was apparently absent, She may be in one of their other house or something after healing process.

While I was curiously looking up at the house, Kira tugged at my sleeve.

"Now that you're here, why don't you come in?"

Her proposal was most suspicious and virtually crying out to be doubted.

I knew it would be a pain if anyone got wind of that visit. If, on top of that, the Girl who's been staring daggers at me at school learned that no one else had been in the house at the time, I don't know what kind of trouble will come. Of course the guys, too, the rumors that might emerge from it exceeded my imagination. Especially in my guy classmates case… I didn't even want to think about it.

By now I was sure everything had been an act of hers to make me enter her house. It would certainly rub me the wrong way if her plan succeeded.

"Good idea. I'm pretty thirsty; can I come in for a drink?"

Nonetheless, I accepted her offer because it was a very rare opportunity.

Though I had, as a matter of fact, suspended doubting her due to a lack of progress for now, I had by no means stopped. It may be the last time I'll be here too because I am about to bring out the break up or rather stopping this relationship after I meet Natsumi. The suspicion due to the things I've experienced before from a bitch was still smoldering in my mind. And it's quite irritating.

Originally I had expected that progress to my revenge would come from associating with her and this, going out with her and do something to her that I thought will hurt her. But all my attempts had remained fruitless. The more I was in touch with her, the less I understood about this revenge of mine. I had no clue how to distinguish between my thinking and about what I feel toward girls. In other words, In other words, I'm confused about this feeling. In conclusion that it might be better to approach Shira and do my revenge on her would be the best way to know what am I really longing for. From what I had seen of her at the last day I attended that school, it was totally Unforgivable, what she did to me wasn't just about deceiving me, Why did I even forgot that? The things she did to me...Ah, right, I forced myself to forget those if I remember it right. She was not a girl like Toka or Naruki, not even close to Kira's kindness and personality, It shouldn't be necessary to probe Shira herself to find out about her location, I'll make her come to me on her own.

I followed Kira as I finished thinking about my plan, I came into the house. Not a sound was to be heard inside.

While taking off my shoes at the entrance, I asked: "What time is your parents coming back?"

"Uhm.. We'll be here alone, I guess" Flushed Kira with a smile.

"Oh, Is that so, Will we do it until they return home" As I jokingly said, I answered—with an earnest face

"Now that's a shock, even if it is meant as a joke."

Kira shook her head while taking out some slippers for us.

Huh? I mean, staying here, what could she be referring?

It seemed that I had taken the lead.

"My mother has gone out and will be back late. Today is... y-your chance!"

"…just what sort of chance would that be, I wonder?"

I pushed her head away, since she had come closer to peek at my face.

And the lead went back to Kira.

"I only wanted to introduce myself to her since I'm here." I indifferently said.

"Oh, that pleases me to hear, Is it about our future, hehehe hehehe."

"I don't know how you took my words, but let me assure you that you're wrong."

I followed her into the living room.

"I'll bring something to drink. Make yourself comfortable on the sofa."

Kira disappeared into the neighboring roomturning on the light there. Half of a well-equipped system kitchen entered my view.

I let my gaze sweep through the living room.

Like the outside, the residence of the Kira's looked quite respectable from the inside: there was a leather sofa with an amber luster and a queerly shaped glass table which even an amateur could identify as a designer table. Furthermore, I found a terrifyingly large LCD TV and luxurious Wi-fi equipment. The rumors were true: they were quite a wealthy family.

To my disappointment however, there was nothing special apart from that, like an object that would have served me as a clue for Kira's wealth. Nothing too peculiar was placed in the living room where a lot of people went in and out. Unfortunately, though, I didn't have any pretext that would have allowed me to look through the other rooms, either. I couldn't help feeling that I had forfeited the rare chance of getting into her house.

I was still reeling in disappointment when Kira came back with a tray of drinks.

"I hope you are fine with green tea?"


I intended to leave after emptying my cup. There was no use in staying for too long. However, Kira seem had read my intentions: "Make yourself at home! It's only Saturday, tomorrow there's no school activity, so there's no need to hurry, right?"

"Are you out of yourmind? I'm a man, you know?"

As if to make her the outlet of my letdown, my wording became a little harsh. I realized that I was acting pretty selfishly, since she wasn't to blame that I had set my own expectations too high.

"That only supports my argument! A boy should never leave an anxious girl behind alone."

"But this is your own home."

"Do you believe stalkers care about such obstacles?"

"How should I know how a stalker thinks? In the first place, that story sounds quite fishy to me anyway."

"Too bad," Kira sighed slightly. "You sure don't let me have my way, Matsuki-kun."

"That's my line. You just lead me here!" I objected promptly. I was naturally unable to just accept it that my opponent forestalled me in saying what had constantly been on my mind.

A moment later, she whispered in a voice that was too loud to be a monologue: "…I wonder if I should consult Manager-san about Matsuki-kun…"

I almost spit out my black tea.

"…is that a threat?"

I stared with hostile eyes at Kira.

"Uhmm, No. I simply wish to receive a piece of good advice from an older woman like her. There's nothing strange about it, is there?"

Kira covered half of her face under a cushion as if to block my gaze.

"Consulting about about me to the manager, huh? What will be it? Love problems, about me? Don't bother." the

"That was a good one."

Kira buried her nose in the cushion and giggled.

"It's no laughing matter. It's a most serious matter of life and death!"

I almost got a headache just by imagining my manager teasing me. I would surely have to say farewell to my busy yet peaceful work life, because she would be asking me about Kira non-stop.

"I would not mind the colleague at the Bar knowing about us. I don't like having secrets."

"But I mind." I averred my eyes from her, as if I'm not in the good mood.

Kira may have been used to being the center of attention, but I was not. Just the thought of capturing everyone's attention gave me the shivers.

A comfortable role as a spectator suited me best. Everyone has his own qualities.

"To be frank, I would love to openly attempt winning you over." she said passionately.

"After all, you seem to be good at getting all the others on your side, right?" I said with a full load of sarcasm.

"An inborn virtue of mine?" countered Kira without trouble.

"You don't say. You are a good student, a beautiful one and, if we get to the heart of it, A dignified princess. It's just that everyone is being deceived by your beautiful looks and doesn't notice your clumsiness."

"You think I am beautiful? I am on cloud nine!"

"Huh? I'm not complimenting you."