Chapter 18: Half day

"Huh? Why do I have to tell you?"


"Didn't you texted me that you don't care about me anymore?"

"Eh? W-what are you talking about, Matsuki-kun?" Having a confused expression, Kira tilted her head.

What? Did she forget that she texted me that message? Saying that she 'don't care about me anymore.'

Then Naruki get near us.

"Hello, I am Naruki Minami. Satoro-kun's future Brid--"

I covered Naruki's mouth before she could finished her line that seems not good in this situation.

Naruki smiled mischievously and Kira looked at me dumbfounded.

"And you, Who are you?"

Naruki outstretched her hand. Smiling with her unusual aura around her.

"Kira, elegantly reached her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Kira Miyoko," She shake Naruki hands, intimidatingly glared at her and smiled, "Matsuki-kun's girlfriend."

"Huh?" Naruki widened her eyes upon hearing Kira and then, as I got chills coming from them as if they have some intimidating beast behind I noticed that they have been holding each other hand tightly for too long.

What's with this situation? I asked to myself while staring at them. "sigh."

Gripping Naruki's hand, Kira has started "Satoro-kun?. calling him by his first name?--"

"---Do you always call him like that?"

"Yes. And by the way, are you really sure that my beloved Satoro-kun really like you," She let go of Kira's hand and then, " You're not even close to his type." Naruki glared at Kira.

"Hmm?" Kira Looked down on the ground as if she was about to whimper, then she looked at me.

What's with her reaction?

"" She started fidgeting, "Satoro." Her face has become red; she blinked twice and proceeded. "Can I call you Satoro, too?..Uhmm.."

Oh? Calling me by my first name?...

"Just call me whatever you want." Feeling confused why she bring that out in this situation,

I indifferently said.

"T-then.." tightly holding her hands together with her bright red face she suggested, "Y-you can call me Miyoko."

"Nope, I'll stick with Kira." I automatically let out after hearing her.

"E-eh? Why?" Kira jolted and widened her eyes as if she wasn't expecting it.

"Hehehe." Naruki Giggled beside me.

"Why you asked? It's less syllables."

"L-less syllables?"

"And so, do you need something from me, Kira?" I asked. I don't like continue to talk here, it seems not good; our classmates have been staring at us.

"Uhm..." Kira was about to say something, but then someone came in and loudly asked:

"Is your class representative here?!"

"Ah..uhm. Yes, I'm here!" Kira approached them.

"Come to the Student Council office, We will discuss the activities regarding the upcoming Intramurals."


Oh..So the intrams is near, That means after that, midterm exams and 1 month break. How nice.

"Then, I'll be going now, let's talk later, Ma-ma..Satoro."

Kira, hesitantly leave the room and

disappeared from my sight.

"Let's go now!"

Naruki grabbed my hand and forcefully pulled me, heading towards the cafeteria; the way she's pulling me seems like she's angry or pissed about something.

Then as I glanced over our classroom, I've felt something malice intent coming from the right corner and see a girl staring daggers at me. Minding my own business, I brushed it off and leave the classroom.


"Is that really delicious that you're eating it too fast?"

I asked to Naruki, who's been eating the cream puffs I bought for her. Not showing any mercy on each of them; chomping them as soon as she picked it up.

It's been quite a while since we left the classroom. Naruki still haven't said anything since then. I don't know why but the way she asked Kira seemed like she didn't know that it was Kira who is labeled to be my girlfriend. I thought she already knew it though because she know that I have a so called girlfriend. "Sigh."

Taking a breather for a bit, I lift my hands and picked up the drinks I have on the table and sip on its straw. It was a Fresh Blend juicy lemon.

By the way, we're now at the small park near our school. It has a few trees on its edge and a park equipment scattered around. Some kids are playing on the seesaw while showing a bright smile on their face.

If you're wondering why are we outside of school, sitting on the bench, well, that's because it's half day. Our classes are only half day every Saturday, so that's Why. Well, if you're like Kira, a class rep, you'll be obliged to attend the meeting in the afternoon, though.

I looked at Naruki, wondering what's going on her mind, I kicked the small fragments of rocks on the ground and pass the time. Naruki is still quiescient, then suddenly, she stood and stretched both of her hands after throwing the paper bag of cream puffs in the trash bin that's near us.

As I looked at Naruki, I noticed a grin on her face, and then she said: "I guess it will be Easy." She smiled mischievously and continued, "You'll be mine soon, Satoro-kun!" She declared in front of me with such confidence while pointing towards my direction.

"Hehe-he" A low laughed escaped from my mouth. I'm really confused on what's Naruki's thinking, She says random things and unexpected ones that is hard to grasp. Maybe I'm not smart enough to fathom her way of thinking.

While I glanced at the road behind Naruki, my phone rang unexpectedly.

*Ring*Ring *Rings

I rummage my bag in search of my phone and picked it up then...

After hearing my co-worker hoarse voice, Toka, I Immediately ran off from the park after saying to Naruki that there's an emergency on my work. Toka said that the Manager, my boss, collapsed right before her eyes while working. The Manager was brought to hospital by ambulance and Naruki tag along to assist her , but there are so many customers in the bar, so I need to get there and substitute in her stead.

This also happened before when Naruki and I are sitting on a bench. Don't tell me it's Bench kun's curse like the one Anime I've watch before (Oresuki).

Laughing while running towards the building of our Bar. I filled my mind with such amusing thoughts to stop myself from overthinking.

My Manager had to take some medicine and off to work that day because she's diagnosed to be anemic. I hope she's doing fine!

Shit! Why always unfortunate things always happens to the people who's close to me? Am I a curse or something? My father died because he overworked himself for me and my mother, too, not knowing anything about her, she died. And now our manager who I think as precious like a family is....Is...Shit! Don't Think and Just WORK!..