Chapter 17: New Classmate

It was the beginning of Ber months, the time when cold winds blow through the city and streetgoers are cloaked in warm colors are supposed to be happening but here in the Philippines it's still hot so there's no way that would be happening right now.

I am now looking in the front while having an indifferent look on my face. "What a hassle." I yawned and stretched my arms to wake myself.

Damn it, I'm sleepy. Well, Who wouldn't get drowsy when you only got 4 hours of sleep? If only Naruki had let me go home after the clock have turned 1:00 am, Sigh, Why didn't she let go of me and hugged me for at least one hour. She's really weird. Fortunately, She let go of me, maybe she got tired of it.

Naruki was the first one who said that it's getting late and she needs to go back home, I'm a bit hesitant to let her go home because the way she acted seems like she was going to disappear. "Sigh" Well, it doesn't suit my character to worry about a girl, so we bid a farewell to each other and I went home to sleep.

Now, looking at the door in our classroom, Kinori Yamako came and suddenly sneeze.

"Atchoo!" to resound through the classroom as soon as he came in, with nary a word of apology.

After he made his grand entrance, He waved at me and said "Ya! Morning." while wiping his nose with a red scarf wrapped around his hand.

What a greeting. The way he greeted me seemed like we were best friend.

"How's Manamatsu-kun been?"

"Who knows? I have no idea how Manamatsu-kun has been, but Matsuki is hale and hearty," I commented casually in response

to that light-minded man who seems to enjoy mixing up people's names. "Speaking of which, Do you know where is Kira, Kinori?"

The thing is I haven't seen Kira since I entered the classroom, may be she's doing some class officers work, but if she was, isn't this guy's supposed to be with her?

"Kira-san? Aren't you her boyfriend, Why didn't you know that she's with Minatsuna?" he said with raised eyebrows and a smile.

Minatsuna? Who was that again?.. Let's see .. Minatsuna..Trying to remember who it was, I dig into my memory and search who the hell was that. then I remembered after a few moments.

Ahh, that volleyball player, huh?

"Kira-san is cheering for Minatsuna practice game this morning." He casually sat next to me.

If I remember correctly, that Minatsuna girl is Kira's best friend, So she's finally here, this would be troublesome, but I guess I'll be fine.

Minatsuna Nuri is an ace in this school volleyball team, and her skills are topnotch, she's been away from school because of volleyball competition. Why is she here early, Did they lost?

"Hey, Kinori," I'm not talkative and used to not talking with other people when it's not necessary but, I might as well ask him. "You like Kira, right?"

"Eh?" he jolted, "W-what are you talking about?" He waved his hand as if he was surely denying it. "No way! I only admired Kira and I..."

I tapped his shoulder and, "Don't worry, It's not like I will kill you if you say so." I smirked and he looked down on the ground upon hearing me. I noticed that his fingers has trembled for a bit.

Then Kinori, silently smiled and brushed his hair while saying "Uhmm.. I wouldn't do something like making a move on her, so.." He stood, "I don't do that kind of thing as long as she has a boyfriend. So please don't forbid me from getting close to her."

He flusterdly said. The way he acted couldn't be more amusing, It's obvious that she likes her, I don't know why he's acting like we're close but maybe he has a reason for talking to me.

While we were silent, Our teacher appeared, "Go back to your seats, homeroom is starting!"

Upon hearing our teacher, Kinori Immediately go back to his seat and excuse his self.

It's not like I'm trying to warn him to not get close to her, though. I'm just wondering if it would be more fast if he had some guts to just went and asked Kira out, that way Kira would probably accept his confession, I mean who wouldn't want to go out with that guy, he's smart, well mannered and handsome. What's more, he has a wealthy family, talk about how lucky he is. If only Kira would dump me, wait.. I can do that, right? But I guess If I do that... Nah, let's just think about it later..

"Our homeroom is starting, but before that, let me introduce your new classmate." Sakurai-san sensei said.

Then the other students has started to make a fuss about something so simple.

"New classmate?"

"Is it a guy or a girl?"

"probably a guy."

"Then come in and introduce yourself." Said Sensei sakurai-san.

A familiar figure of a girl walked in, swaying her silky pink hair as she walked, then she stood in front of us before our teacher and

then she spoke.

"Hello, Nice to meet you, I am Naruki Minami, Starting today I will be your new classmate."

I stared at her dumbfounded.

What is she doing in my class?..


"it's a girl." Mumbled by the others.

"Oh, right," Naruki smiled mischievously, "For your information, I am already engaged, so please don't make any move on me."

"Engaged?" Everyone said in unison.

What is she blurting out?

"Yes, I am engaged to someone!" She happily declared in front of us and giggled.

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback, of course I am, too.

What the hell is she saying, engaged?

"Then please take your seat, Naruki," Said Sensei, looking at the room as if she was looking at something, then after noticing the chair next to me, she said: "Sit next to Matsuki, The one who occupied that seat before was expelled so it's vacant now."

Upon hearing Sensei, Naruki has started to walked, walking toward the seat next to me.

Each of us stared at her, I don't know why they're staring at her but for me, I have no idea what's going on, Why did she said she's engaged? It's not like I'm jealous or anything, I'm just curious, who would be that guy.

"Good morning, Satoro-kun."

She happily greeted me after sitting in the chair.

I just nodded and avert my eyes from her.


"Satoro-kun," Naruki smiled and pulled her seat next to mine.

"I don't have a textbook, You'll share yours with me, right?"

Huh? What is she planning this time?

"I-I guess.." I hesitantly placed the textbook between our combined desk.

"Mhmm..Yes!" She mumbled in herself and cling to me.

"You don't have to worry, Satoro-kun. The one I'm engaged was you, after all."

"It's not like I'm worry--"

"--What? What the hell are you talking about?"

I asked, having a perplexed expression on my face.

"Hehehe... Forget it," She leaned closer to me and chuckled, "I am just joking."

Sigh, this girl is really unpredictable, Is she really Naruki?.. As I tried to get off her hands on me, she didn't even budge and continue to cling to my shoulder. "...Ah, it's horrible. I've caught a cold, you know. Sneezes, a runny nose, and even though I have a fever, I'm having chills as well—it's the whole nine yards. This is the worst cold I've had in a while." She clings to me as if she was about to hug me.

"Hey stop that" I silently reprimanded, but she shook her head and said: "I'm cold Satoro-kun," she brushed her face against my shoulder, "Hmmm..Your warm."

"..." I looked at her, examining every part of her body to see if she's really cold but

There's no way she is, I mean we're in the Philippines so there's no way she's cold. We're at the equator you know. Direct sunlight is hitting us and I'm sweating.

Sigh, Don't say something that is obviously a lie. But still.. I'm glad that she didn't disappear like last time.

Then as I glanced at the back board to catch up to the lesson. Our teacher has started writing, While seriously looking at the board, I felt a malicious intent coming from the seat near the door. When I looked at it, I see Kira, sitting in her chair with her usual dignified look, but something feels hit different; she's staring daggers at us.

I don't know when did she get there but I'm not Interested either so I'll just ignore her.

"Naruki?" I whispered, "Could you please get your hands off me?"

"No!" She stubbornly objected.

Sigh, I guess I don't have a choice,

I have to use this.

"If you get off me I'll treat you some cream puffs later."

"Really?" Her Eyes widened. "You're not lying?" I can see some Sparks in her eyes.

"Yeah, when did I even lie to you?" I confidently said and as I wasn't expecting, she removed her hands on me and sit like a good student.

"Hehehe.." She smiled and hummed like a kid.

I guess even if her appearance change she's still Naruki, huh.

I always do this before whenever I want Naruki to do something for me, I figured that she likes cream puffs when I treated her to some of it before, even now she still like it? A smiled was formed on my face, as if I was reminiscing the good days. As I noticed my brief smile, I was kinda confused and a bit shocked, "Hahaha" a low laughed escaped my mouth. When did I genuinely smiled again? I guess I can't remember it anymore...


"Let's go!" Naruki happily said while pulling me out of the classroom, "You said, you'll treat me some cream puffs today?"

Yeah, I said that but I didn't say today. I was planning to look for Natsumi this lunch break and hopefully, I would see that bitch, too.

"Don't pull me," I stopped and then I felt some chills coming from behind.


I turned my gaze and see Kira, standing in front of me with her unusual behavior.

"Who is that girl?" She tilted her head, "Will you please tell me."

and pulled me away from Naruki and glared at her.

Sigh.. Why am I always getting pulled? Before it was my sleeves, now it's my turn?