Chapter 32: Rina-san 2


" Hahhhh...!" breathing heavily while running,

Thud* A loud bang echoed in to the room as I forcefully pushed the brownish door in front of me after finding myself in front of it.

"Rina-san." I wiped the sweat out off my face as I stand in front of the room with the door I opened. Nervously catching my breath, I entered into the room while sweating a lot after running here suddenly as soon as part of my memories return.

"Hmm.." A woman in her thirties, wearing a white lab coat beside the table, fixed her pair of glasses and squinted her eyes towards my direction.

Upon seeing me entering the room, I saw her widened her eyes as if shocked to see me.

"Hmm...What brings you here?.." She asked calmly.

"Rina Takisawa, right?.." I blurted out with a fierce gaze on my eyes.

"You know that it's rude to suddenly entered a room without knocking right?"


She stood up and glared at me, "And didn't I asked you? What brings you here? Suddenly entering my room like that? Do you even have manners?"

".. I asked you fir-..."

"I didn't sign any appointment today too.."

I tried to say something but she interrupted me immediately.

"Who are you?.."

"Me?.. It's me, Matsuki Satoro, don't you remember me?"

"Huh? Who the hell is Matsuki?" she shrugged.

"You're Rina Takisawa, right?"

"Yup that's me, and you, who might you be?"

"It's me..?" I confusedly let out.

"That's why I'm asking you, who the hell are you?!" She seemed pissed.

"Ehh...? it's me, the person you altered his memories..."


Silent has engulfed the room for a moments and then,

she sighed, tapped the table lightly and as if to break the silence; she intentionally let out a loud Sigh."Hays!..."

What? Does she really not remember me or all of that were just a dream? No, it's too detailed to become a dream and one of the person in that is right in front of me, It's not a dream, so shouldn't she at least remember my name?

She looked me in the eye. "Seriously.." Crossed her arms and, "I'm wondering what brought you here and you're saying that..." She slowly sat back on her chair. "I didn't expect this to happen all of a sudden but...the reason you're here... is because your memories have finally came back, huh?"


After having an ambivalent thoughts, I finally made a decision and found the woman who seems to know me more than I know myself.

It took me a few days to find her, but after looking for several kind of place that looks like in my memories, I finally found her after I heard her name from the neighborhood town, close to our school and it seems like she's a famous therapist.


"...what's the meaning of this?..." I asked confusedly.

"Hmmm...You mean?.."

"Those vivid dreams or rather to be more accurate, I think those memories that suddenly popped up in my head that I have forgotten....."

".... Being able to find and interact with you... That means, all of them were true... right?"

"Why don't you take a seat first?" Rina-san seemed serious now; she offered me to sit down on the chair and asked me to calm down first.

"No thanks, I can talk while standing here or maybe you're planning to do another trick to me?

"Fine, do whatever you want. I don't know what happened but considering that the memories I altered has finally came back to you in just four years...That came back too fast," she sighed, rested her chin on one of her hands. "This is a rare case, indeed." She hummed and incline her head up and down. "perhaps something had happened that trigger it.." She picked up a cigarette, while I'm here staring at her as she mumbled in deep thoughts.

"Hey!" I leaned closer to her, "Hey? Rina-san, If those memories are true, what about the memories I believe and have now? Didn't I just got deceived,? Why the hell did I saw a nightmare?!"

"Calm down!"

"How am I supposed to calm down when I'm so confused what to believe now? Huh? let's say you can really alternate my memories, that's unbelievable but considering that you can do that I don't know if what I have right now is the truth!"

"I said calm down!"

"Then what about the ten years memories I've lost? Did you also made that happen, huh? answer me!"

"Shit! I said calm down, I'll explain it, so shut the f*ck up!"

" Like I've said how am I supposed to calm down now?! I'm so confused and it's hurting my head thinking about this and thinking about that!"

"We're not going anywhere like this.".. She raised her hands and flicked her fingers.

Huh? Suddenly, I felt my body becomes numb..

Shit!.. is it one of her tricks she can do?... I'm loosing my consciousness...f*ck...


I opened my eyes, seeing a vague figure of a woman, sitting in front of me.


"Have you calm down now?"

"You!" I tried to stand up as soon as I saw Rina-san, sitting in front of me, but my hands are shackled by chains in a chair.

"Ugh...What's this? Why did you tied me up?"

"I told you to calm down and you weren't listening so I had to do some Work." She sighed. "What a pain in the ass."


"Let's see if this is gonna work." She raised her hands, heading towards my forehead was her right hand index finger.

"H-hey?" I tried to avert my head to avoid it but I wasn't able to do it, "W-what are you planning to do?.." Her index finger, Landing on my forehead, a small spark of lighting struck me and it f*king hurts. "Ugh!."

"Tsk! It's looks like I can't do anything about you anymore."

"W-what do you mean?" I asked.

Sigh* "What an unprecedented turn of events. I can't remove myself from your memories or even altered it again..." She looked me in the eye with a serious face. "It seems like your fate is already set in motion, I guess."

Huh? what is she talking about?.. More importantly, why can't I even get out of this chair? shit! the shackles are heavy and so tight.. This chair.. Why does she even have this thing? Isn't this the kind of chair the police have when they're tutoring some criminals, why this woman have this kind of thing?

"That's not important now," she paused, "You see, my ability can do sort of things, I'm not supposed to tell it to other people but I guess I have to tell you so you can calm down for a bit."

As Rina-san crossed her legs, she started to explain some things to me.

It seems like she can alternate memories, erase her from other people's memories, and even give others a blissful memories and from the past years, she have never encountered a patient like me, a person who can remember and so she continued, "From what I know from my past patients, their memories hardly return or their memories return on their 50s or 60s of age and I've erased myself in those memories so what interest me the most is why can you remember me?...."

Huh?..even if you asked me that I don't know the answer.

"... Something's wrong about this..there are people I can't do something with them and from what I know, it's because once the person fate is already set in, we're limited to do something to them or sometimes can't even do something, you must be one of them ..." She. exclaimed.

Huh? I don't get it. all I know is that..

"that mean, you can't do anything to my memories now?"

"That's right."

.. Then, why did I suddenly remember everything after meeting Korosaku?.... Is he the one that triggered the memories to came back? Shit! I don't know!

" Uhm..R-Rina-san...Y-you see.. I s-suddenly remembered it after meeting someone..." I stuttered as I try to explain what happened.

"Hmm..As I thought..When did you meet him?"

"uhm..Just last week, and that's also the time my memories flash back into me after I thought much about why do I hate that guy."

"What?' Rina-san let out suddenly with a surprised face.


"Just because of meeting someone?.." she asked.

"Uhm...And also..The hospital thing...I mean when I was at the hospital, it reminded me of the day I met you and other things..."

"....Not sure though, but that's all I can remember... perhaps it has something to do with it.." I said in a hoarse voice with a nervous tone.

Even though I'm not usually like this, why am I so nervous, and why my heart is beating so fast?

The room then was filled with silence for a few moments.

"This is really unexpected but...that must've something to do with why your memories have returned."

"...But, I'm pretty sure you didn't come here just to confirm it right?... I'm guessing, that head of yours have so many questions that want to ask me."

she knows it well that I'm looking for answers.

"Yeah," I have so many things I want to ask but one thing really stuck on my head is if she does know something about it.

"H-hey, Did you also do something about my ten years childhood memories? Why can't I remember them?"

"The memories you remember that you said you remembered after meeting someone in the past.. those are true memories of what happened to you four years ago and I just removed them, I didn't change anything other than that."

"Then what about my sister?"

why did my sister in my memories act so differently now?..

"Only I can answer is that your sister and you have the same blood flowing in your veins, and that your sister is hiding something from you and.." She looked down, "I think, the reason is for your own good."

Huh? My sister is hiding something from me?.. what could that be?...

"Who knows?" Rina-san let out as she heard my question in my mind like what I had saw in my memory before.

"..." Hesitantly, I opened my mouth and asked another question that I want to know the answer so bad. "You said you didn't change anything other than that suffering times that I can remember now. Then do you know what happened to me?...I mean, the 10 years childhood memories I've lost that I can't seem to remember up to till this day?.."

".....Do you know anything about that?"

" Sorry, I can't tell you anything about that..." She leaned back on the chair and with an unusual expression she had on her face, she said: "it's better if you figure it out on your own."

"And.... Considering your state of mind right now, I don't think it's good for you to know that, for now, shouldn't you focus on your conflicting emotions? ." she paused. "After all, your mind right now has taken a toll from remembering your past."

Considering her answer, I don't think she plan to tell me anything, shit!

after a few moments, I noticed that Rina-san has been looking all over my body.

"I have an offer," She said, "I promise to tell you everything I know that I can say to you and give you medicine for calming you, but in return you'll become my patient, you see, I'm curious why you can remember the memories I already altered in just four years." She smiled, " I'll just study your brain waves don't worry."

It's suspicious.."I don't think I.."

"Don't you want to know about your past 10 years of memories? We may be able to know it if we work together don't you think?"

"I'll think about it."

Although her offer is good, I don't think it is good to just accept her offer right away, I need to think about it first.

"Rina-san... I only have one last question..."

"What is it?"

"What are you?" I nervously asked.

My heart has been beating so fast, the Hell's wrong with me?

"Me?" She chuckled, "I'm a human... I guess?"

"Then, how come you can do some shitty things?.."

"Hey! isn't that cruel? calling it shitty things? Can't you at least refer to it as supernatural powers?" she demanded.


"Don't stare at me that much, I know that I'm beautiful but if you stare at me like that I'll feel awkward."

she's indeed beautiful but that's not why I'm staring at you! *Sigh

"I'm serious, what are you?"

"I told you I'm a human, but if you're asking why I can do such things, well, I got it from my ancestors, I'm called a shaman. People that can do spiritual thingy."

"Okay I got it but can you remove these things on me now? it's heavy you know?"

"Okay, but first, take these meds, it will calm your nervousness and your heart beat to normal."

"Huh? How can I take them when my hands are tied like this?"

"Oh, right"
