Chapter 33: The start of the beginning

I was sitting leaned back in my chair with my usual sinister smile on my face. I had this grin on my face since I sat down. 'Where am I you ask?'

I'm currently in the Gymnasium, waiting for a movie to start playing, heh? Do you really think that I'm just sitting here because I want to watch a movie?

What? No way! That a big "NO".

The reason that I've been sitting here is simply because the show is about to start and in turn, it's the start of my revenge.

"I can guess that you all have been have you waiting for this best part right?!" asked by the girl who seems to be the master of ceremony.



"Start it!"

"Let's start this already!"

It seems like everyone is excited about this, 'Hah', what kind of movie would they play I wonder? *Sigh* I actually didn't know because watching this movie wasn't the purpose as to why I'm here after all. I am pretty sure that almost everyone on the campus is here. Yes even that bitch is here, based on what I find out, it has at least 50% chance that that bitch would be here, well I don't really give a damn care how much possible it is as long as there's a possibility I'm fine with it.

Ah right, if you're wondering what happened between Rina-san and me after talking, I just told her that I'm such a busy person. And I'm not someone who will be swept up by others so easily so I'd said that I'll think about her offer later on. She also told me to deal with this feeling or else I might go insane from having a conflicting emotions. I know what she mean by saying that the best way to cure a problem is to look for the cause of it, face it and solve it. That is why I am here, starting the plan to solve this issue of mine that's been looking for some sort of relief. And if those memories are true..

"Ugh." Suddenly, my heart started beating fast, my breathing becomes heavy and before I knew it, I was having a hard time calming down just from remembering those days.

"Calm down." I clenched my fist and inhaled. shit! really what's this? It happened again. Since the day I've remembered everything, I became like this.

Rina-san told me about this as side effects from colliding from my past self memories. I thought she was only making assumptions but it seems like it's true.

HAhh... shit.. let's just calm down and wait for the best part to start...but seriously, is this really gonna work though? that bastard Korosaku....If this plan of his failed I gotta use my original plan.

"Ok then, it's what you've all been waiting for, The Romantic Drama of the Film of the exposure Club! The Deceiving Love!"

*Click! As the girl lifted her hand and flicked it in thin air, the curtain that was there was suddenly removed from the flat screen that is similar to that as which the cinema has.

"Yawn..." I stretched my hands that were on my laps and let out a little yawn, will guess for me these kind of movie kinda bores the hell out of me , True love? Heh? Does a thing like that even exist?

This movie really sucks. Why do all the stars on TV shows act like it's so wrong to be alone? Can't they see that everyone doesn't need such thing, *sigh*

I leaned back in to my chair as if I had just gotten back from a long day at work and as if I was exhausted.

"*Sniff *Sniff*." "How caring." Said the girl who's is in front of me. I just don't get it, what is so romantic about this movie anyway? Why does everyone is seems so touched by it? Gosh!


*Sigh...*, Then as I sighed to let out my growing impatience, suddenly, the screen were turned off.

"Ehh", everyone confusedly let out in confusion.

Then after a bit of time, the screen suddenly started to show again, but this time it wasn't the movie that was showing but the play button of a video, it was then started.

I guess this it huh.

"Heh, Bitch! I didn't imagine that I would encounter you here, but let's not get in to the details and let me get straight to the point, Hirayiki!"


"What's happening?"

"Is this part of the play?"

Everyone had started to make a fuss while I am here seriously sitting on the chair. Is this really gonna work?

Whatever, let's just see what can happen.

*Sigh!*, they're being too loud, what if that bitch wasn't able to hear it because of them? Tch...

I averted my eyes from the crowd of student and focused on the screen as I heard the name "Hirayuki". A smirk was formed on my face and grit my teeth with a creaking sounds.

You're wondering who the hell is Hirayuki? Well, that's basically what I called her when Shira and I were still lovers. I came up with that name as I took the Hira part in her name sHIRA and uki I got from my name matsUKI and the Y in between them to separate.

Just thinking about it makes me sick, Shit!

And to think my naming style is this worse before...Sigh*

"Hirayuki! If you still value your standing and don't want others to know how shitty you are, come to the nearest park in the school at 7 pm this Saturday, if you don't, I might leak something like this! Accidentally. Hahahahah!!"

As the changed voice of mine from the record began to disappear and the screen suddenly showed up with brief flash of some blurred pictures.

Those are pictures of her and me when we were in a good relationship and it was the good times, I took them before when things were still fine.

Also some other blurred pictures I got from Korosaku.

Heh.. To think I'd have been able to retrieve such good things.

The internet is really a convenient tool, huh.

I personally ask Naruki to hack in to the school system just for this because that bastard say it'll workout somehow... I hope this turns out like what I'd imagine but...I didn't think that everything from here will start to get serious.


*Sigh*, While keeping my head down as I walk out of the gymnasium, I snuck a peek at some of the students from time to time. Hoping I would see the bitch I was looking for, only to get my chance ruined when a girl suddenly started approaching, when she was glancing around and notice me.

*Sigh*, looks like there's trouble coming at me.

"Matsuki-san..." said the girl after coming close enough to me, with a fierce and irritated look she stared at me "I think we need to talk right now. "

"I didn't expect nor couldn't even imagine it." She heavily sighed upon seeing me, "What the hell happen while I was gone?"

As I analyzed her, I could see that she was a tall woman with a long ponytail, and she had fierce eyes; She has a gracefully posture as she puts her hand on her forehead as if to express 'what kind of mess had happened'.

To be more precise she's a boyish girl with a bit of a tan, well I guess that would've happen to her if all she ever does is play volleyball. Yup, a volleyball player that I wouldn't even really want to talk and I would never had thought that she would be the one who would look for me first.

"Woah, Isn't this a bit unexpected." Not really, I already knew this was going to happen but I didn't know it was going to happen this soon. "It's been a long time, Minatsuta Yuki, you're here a lot earlier than I had expected that means our volleyball team had lost in a match, huh. It's a first since I started to attend this school."

"You seem to know a lot for a guy who only ever gets the most average grade in this whole school."

"Well, that much information, anyone could have that now you know? It was actually stated on the news, saying that the No.1 volleyball team messed up at finals."

"Don't remind me, I didn't come to talk about it... It's about Kira...."

"....What did you do to her?" She asked me with her fierce gaze, making me gulp my own saliva, but I still managed to calm myself down.

"Kira? Did I do something to her? No Idea."

"Stop joking around and answer me, why would you and Kira start dating? You must've done something to her."

So it was us going out, huh. I thought I did something to her without me knowing what I did.

"Well, why don't you ask her yourself, she's the one who asked me out in the first place?"

"She?" She didn't expect that, huh. I can see just by looking at her face I can guess that she was surprised.

"Aren't you just having delusio-" Minatsuta halt abruptly and then followed by the footsteps coming from the crowd. A feint voice came from behind me and said: "Minatsuta and Satoro, What are you two doing?"

I looked behind me and see Kira, with a curious look on her face, she then tilted her head and came closer to us.

"Uh..Eh uhm... We're just having a conversation about the movie, I was asking about his opinion, n-nothing else!" Minatsuta immediately confronted Kira with her unsteady self. She seems nervous, what could be the reason?

"Really, that's all?"

"Yeah, yeah, that's all," Minatsuta reassured her and held her hand, saying "Let's go and see the other stalls."

She tried to pull Kira but before she could, Kira removed her hand.

"Sorry but I have to talk with Satoro, could you please go first?"

Talk to me, what are we going to talk about?

Then as soon as Kira said that, Minatsuta hesitantly agreed and disappeared.

Now that I think about it, it's been more than a week since we last talked since the day I left her at her house. I had plan to break up with her later after I had taken care of the girl who made her ask me out. Sigh, I had totally forgotten about that, it almost slipped my mind that I had to take care of this first, I was so busy these days trying to make a plan about Shira.

Don't be hard on yourself, Matsuki. I pinched my finger and then came really close to Kira after calming my mind.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" turning my body to get close to her, I smiled dazzling.

"It's about us." Kira firmly gripped her hand as she looked at me seriously.