Chapter 34: Weird feeling

"Hmm?" I looked Kira in the eye,

"What is it that you wanted to talk with me?" and averted my eyes to look uninterested. I asked: "What brings you here?"

"Uhmm...You see...I heard from our teacher that you're not feeling well, I tried to contact you but, you're not answering your phone, I came into your house to check you and no one's there.." She looked me in the eye, crossed her arms and pout. "Geez! Why are you always not answering me whenever I tried to call you and messages you!---"


"----You always makes me worried you know!" she sighed, "What am I gonna do with you!"

Again, she's acting as if she were my sister, though. why I didn't hate this attitude of her now?

"You're a week absent from school, I didn't hear anything from you and now, you're suddenly showing up here...a

-as your girlfriend I should've at least know when you're fine or not. Geez!." She moved closer to me, punched me on my chest several times and land her head on my chest

"....Geez..Snob* Snob* I'm glad you're alright, Don't make me worry again like that."

"I got it, I got it. It's my fault, sorry.--"

"---so? May I know what brought you look for me other than that?"

"hmmp.." She didn't respond and instead of letting go, she hugged me even more tightly.

"W-wait," I tried to get her off me but I wasn't able to do so, " H-hey, I'm asking you here, shouldn't you answer me?"

"Well, our homeroom teacher is looking for someone to bring this to you." She brought out the paper from the bag and dangled it in front of me. "I happen to plan to go to your house so I volunteer on bringing these assign papers to you." She pouted, "But you're not in your house when I checked on you."

"Okay, got it." I took the papers and pushed her away to make some distance. "If that's all, I can go now, right." I turned around and was about to leave but..

"W-what? Satoro, Wait!" as I was hoping to get away from her now, she didn't let me do as I wish and she stopped me by pulling my sleeves.

*Sighed, Again?

"What else?" I asked infuriatingly.

"I didn't come here just to give that to you." She protested with her usual teary eyes.

"So, What else do you want from me?"

"Uhmm..Eto.." She blinked shyly, puts her hands behind her back, "Y-you see, Today's the start of intramurals,"

Yeah, I pretty much can tell that from what's happening here.

"And it's been a while since we hang out with each other, I think it will be a good time to spend some time with...with just the two of us!"


"Yes?" She gently smiled, grabbed my shoulder and get closer.

"I got that you want me roam around with you, but could you please let go of me?"


"And wait, didn't you said you're worried about me earlier, and now you want me to exhaust myself from indulging you at this time, I just got out from being sick

you know?"

"Uhm.." She loosened her way of holding my shoulder, "So-sorry." looked on the ground and apologized.

Sigh* I don't want to look pathetic, however, I don't have time to play around with her right now, I have to prepare something for that bitch Shira.

"Ugh.. Kira, could you please let go of my shoulder, it still hurts, really, "Ugh, ah!" really, do I even sounded like I'm hurt? I feel like I sounded like I'm moaning, Sigh* Seriously, that acting was kinda epic fai-l?

"Eh? S-sorry!" she jolted.

"If you get it then let go of me now."

She believed it? Thank goodness. She's being a pain in the ass nowadays.

As Kira let go off me and I distance myself from her, I see her expression. She looked down on the ground, pressed her lips tightly and her eyes tearing up a bit.

She seem disappointed, huh.

Sigh* Seriously, don't make that face in front of me, it's making me guilty.

"Whatever," I heavily sighed, "What are you standing there for? Let's go!"

Kira's eyes widened, her face began to shine and she smiled, getting back her enthusiastic self; she reached for my hand and lead the way. And I? I reluctantly go along with her.

It's not like I wanted to spend time with her, It's just that I feel responsible for her because I'm the one who made the decision to accept her from this relationship. Huh? What the hell am I thinking?

But more importantly, I'm getting busy from the revenge thing that I really forgot about her issue. Knowing that she may also be a victim like me, Sheesh, forget about sympathy!

I'll take care of her issue later after I deal with that bitch..

"Hahaha, you bet!"

"That's really funny."

Three highschool girls chuckled and continued with their small talk as we passed by walking towards the near stall. I stole a glimpse on them and unexpectedly, "Shi-ra?" I mumbled in confusion.

I see shira with the two girls, wearing the school uniforms. The girls in both side was just any other highschool girl but...the one between them, i-it's Shira, she was with them, walking while they're laughing.

Her face is a bit different from before but there's no doubt about it, that's Shira, that f*cking bitch!

"Satoro?" "Kira looked me in the eye worriedly. "You're sweating a lot--"

"--- Your hands is trembling, Are you alright?"

It is indeed that my hands are trembling, my body is shaking and my heart is beating so fast as I felt my blood boils and heat come up to my cheeks.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I exhaled and inhaled naturally, trying to calm myself.

Shit! this feeling again, I can't seem to control myself whenever I'm reminded of that bitch.

I looked over again into their direction but they're already gone. Shit!

"Are you really okay? Don't push yourself too much."

Kira held my back as if trying to assist me from walking.

As Kira lead me to the shooting gallery stall, I followed her and clenched my fist to calm myself.

"We're here." This is what I wanted to try since I saw this earlier. It seems fun." She joyfully reached for the gun and looked at me but her face suddenly become gloomy and down.

"Satoro. You're not okay," She leaned closer to me, held my hand, "What's the matter? Are you hurt somewhere?"

"Ugh.. Shit," I grabbed my chest where my heart is located and pinch it as I felt the excruciating pain from my chest.

The hell? What's happening to me? My chest hurts so much, my head is pounding and my heart is beating faster.

"Kira." I managed to lift my arms and held her shoulder.

"Uh, yes?"

"I'm not feeling well today, I'll play with you later, for now... I have to go somewhere."

Damn it I have to ask Rina-san about this, This feeling...It seems like--

"Where? I'll go with you," Kira gripped my hands firmly, as if to reassure me.

"Should we go to the clinic? I'll come with you! Don't worry and take some deep breaths."

Kira, how can I not worry If making a face like that.

You're making a really worried face right in front of me.

It seems like I really look terrible in my state right now, I can see just from what I've been feeling but I surely am not in a good condition, I could see it from the reflection of mine from her eyes.

"Ugh.." Shit! It's getting hard to breath.

"Oh, you two? Is something the matter?" Asked by the student who's handling the stall.


Kira received me well as I lost my balance and I land toher body, Making her bent a bit.

"So warm."

As I felt the warm enveloped my head, my heart beat started to calm, my body becomes light and the symptoms suddenly vanished in an instant.

"Uh..Uhm.. th-that's... my Bre-"

"It's warm," I stroke my head as if was longing for more warm and I kinda felt a soft jelly like sensation on my face.

I don't know what is it but I'm in bliss. The warm, the soft sensation, combined with the relaxation I'm feeling, I can't get enough of it.

"Geez.. Satoro." I felt hands landed on my head gently ang brushed my hair softly, I heard Kira. "It's embarrassing, everyone is staring at us."
