Chapter 35: Idiot!

"You guys are bold huh."

Said jokingly by the stall manager.

"Satoro.." Kira's face become beet red when she realized that everyone was staring at us.

She tried to cover her face with her hands.

Maybe she couldn't bear the embarrassment.

"S-sorry, Kira...I.."

"I-it's fine!"

To think That...I-Matsuki Satoro- did such a thing without realizing it.

It's her b-boobs..that's what I've felt..

but Why am I okay now? It seems like I've calm down now. Is it because of her or from her breast? Tsk.. Nah That can't be it... there's no way it's because of her, it must've been a coincidence. Yeah, yeah, that's right, I'm about to be okay and I just happened to land on her at the time.


*Sigh, There's no way I've become a pervert or something.

Yeah, that must be it, Matsuki Don't make a fuzz about it that much.

"Hmm.." I nodded in agreement to myself.


As I tried to convince myself that it was all just a coincidence, I felt many eyes have been staring at us, that made me uncomfortable, so I felt like I need to do something.

I've looked at Kira and see that she's still embarassed from what happened, It's easy to know just from looking at her face. Really, she's like an open book.

I want to leave this place as soon as possible, but I will look like a bad guy if I were to leave Kira here alone.

*Sigh, I sighed and grabbed Kira's hand and immediately ran off with her.

"Hope I have a girlfriend, too."

"I think you'll die as a virgin, dude."

"Shut up!"

"Couple nowadays don't even care about their surroundings, huh."

Many side comments filled up the place as Kira and I left the place. I just continued to walked out and brushed them off and walk straight ahead with my head up high. I'm fine with such things cause I'm already use to it, but unlike me, Kira, kept her head down and just followed me silently like what anybody would do when they're embarassed.

"Here." I picked up the drinks on the table. I bought these on the vending machine earlier before coming here.

"Hey, Here." I offered her one of the drinks but

Kira is still embarassed on what happened and she's sulking in the corner, By the way, we're now sitting in the toybox tiny home.

After a few minutes of walking we found this place and decided to take some rest here.

"Is this one not to your liking?"


She's still silent. huh.

"If you don't say something I'm gonna leave you here alone."

"Sa-satoro." Kira bent and leaned close to me, as if she was some kind of animal; she rested her head on my shoulder, and looked me in the eye," I-is my che-- I mean, my boobs not to your-- Do you hate it?"

She stammered.

"Puh-Ah" I spat the Fresh Blend juicy lemon I drank.

"Come again."

"I mean... I know that my breasts are big and whenever I looked at mine," She pressed her chest as if it was normal to do it, and continued with her whimper. "I feel like it was not normal compared to other girls."

Hey, are you serious?

"K-kira...Don't tell me the reason you're in that state since earlier is because of that?"

You're worried about your boobs in that kind of situation? Are you kidding me or something?

"Well, when you noticed that what you're feeling is my breasts," She looked down on the ground with a gloomy face, " I saw you removing your face on them immediately as if you were disgusted by it---"

"---Uhmm.. I hope you still-"

"Thud!" I slammed the table out of anger.

I'm kinda pissed now.

Why? Because I just can't seem to get it, why do we even came to this kind of conversation, You gotta be kidding me!


"Kira, Are you an Idiot?" I lost it.

"You're whimpering, sulking and now you're about to cry just because your breast is not normal compared to others, is that it?"

She nodded.

"Don't you know that what you're worried about is what everyone dream of. Whether it is Girl or boy, They want it big!" What the hell am I lecturing her for? "You idiot!"

I flicked her forehead.

"Do-does that mean, you like it?"

"..." Sigh, isn't Kira one of the top students at this school then what the hell is her deal?

"I'm asking you!" She leaned closer

" I don't care if others like it big or not what I want to know is--do you like it?" whispered Kira, moving her lustrous lips slowly.

*Shit! This is dangerous. Below my eyes was her white neck. I closed my eyes firmly for a moment as if to shake off my stray thoughts.

Tsk.. There's so many things going on in my mind right now and your adding such thing in my mind.

"I--I think," I averted her eyes and looked sideways, "It's not bad."

She held my face and turned it in front, "Look at me and say it properly." approached until we were nose to nose. And so I had no choice but to declared point-blank: "I like It!" Are you happy now? Sigh, Is this girl, seriously. Huh?

"O-okay, "Kira blushed, avoided eye contact with me and abruptly distance herself as if she were shy.

"you... you don't have to yell like that." She smiled, held her cheeks and chuckled. "Hehehe.."

She seemed so happy, how come? It's my first time seeing her this happy.

I flashed an annoyed smile upon seeing her smile.

Wait, could it be that one of the things she have to accomplish is for me to praise her breast? But if that is what would that do to her? I just don't really get it.

Suddenly, Kira pulled my arm, "Let's go! We still have to go to many places."

"Hey, are you forgetting something?"

"Uhm..What could that be?"

"You know I'm not feeling well, right?"


"Okay, change of a plan." She let go off my arms, Then trotted off towards the exit, When she reached there, She looked over me and said: "Wait for me here, I'll get some medicine for you."

Sigh* I noticed it, lately Kira has been making a move to me without shivering or trembling anymore. It seems like she's become bold, or may be she just got used to me.


After a few minutes, Kira quickly came back; she sat down next to me. "I got this for us." A medium size plastic bag contains some food and water was place on the round table.

"Ah right," searching through in the bag. "Medicine, medicine, Where is it?" her hair-ends swayed as she rummaged in search, "Ah! got it." and brought out a tablet medicine Meclizine.

"Drink this and I think you'll be fine, Don't worry about anything,"

"Okay." I reluctantly picked up the medicine and drank it immediately. And hope it will help me to atleast calm down.

Kira suddenly approached her face to mine, making me to fall back. "Let's just enjoy ourselves today."

she giggled as she prepared the food from the plastic bag.

Sigh, for now I'll go with the flow with he--

*Ringgggg* Ringg*

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

Huh? who would call me at this time?

"Kira, I have to answer this, If you'll excuse me."


I got out of the toybox tiny home, picked up the phone and see that the one calling me is Korosaku Lee. I answered but no sounds came out within it.



Why he's taking so long to answer? He's the one who called me though, That bastard Korosaku.

*Sigh. calm down, easy Matsuki. He may have accidentally called me or something, I better hang up no--

[["D...dont go!"]], Suddenly a hoarse voice came from the phone when I'm about to hang up.

"Hey, Korosaku."


"Huh? What's the matter? Hey, Talk properly!"

[["The place...Set..."]]

[["...In.. Don't...go.."]]




Shit! The line was cut off. What the hell