Chapter 36: Shit! I can't move

"Is the food not to your liking?" Kira asked as I putted the food back into its box.

"No, it's just... I'm not sure, may be I'm just not in the mood to eat."

*Sigh, after the call I came back here, but I can't seem to bring myself to not think about it. Damn it, did something happen to that bastard? I don't really care about his own affairs, I'm pretty sure that guy has a lot of enemy considering that he's such a jerk. But if something happened to him, I'll just take care of everything.

I tried to contact him several times earlier but I couldn't reach him.


"mhm..Yesh?" Kira's stopped from eating and answered me in response.

"Hey, don't answer me with your mouth full." What is she, a kid? Seriously, Kira, what's she doing these days? If I remembered it correctly she's referred as dignified bishoujo like in anime. May be they were wrong about that.

"I have to go now, I have things I need to take care of."

"Ehh?..." Kira gobbled up the food in her mouth. Then after looking down on the ground as if she were kind of disappointed, "Okay, it's fine, I'll just spent more time here, you can go. Don't mind me." She waved both of her hands as if to reassure me.


"Okay then," I stood up, "I'll be going now." I patted Kira's head just like what I'd do to a cat and brushed her hair, "Don't worry I'll take care of you later." I smirked. By what I mean by that is, of course not her being by my side or something.

And just like that I left Kira on her own in that tiny place.


As I prepared myself for the time for me to meet Shira at the nearest park I've set in, and hope that she will show up. The time has come in an instant without any problems, I didn't really prepared much, just myself, I want to be able to confront Shira without having any problems, I just want to settle this feeling. "Sigh, I hope everything turns out to be fine."

I don't know what I'll do with her but I'll just let myself come up with something after meeting her.

I brushed my hair as I sweep through the place.

The place is too dark, Well, what can I expect? it's already 7:01 pm.

I agreed to meet Shira here with Korasaku because I have plan to deal with the two of them here to put an end to all of it at once, but unfortunately, I can't contact Korasaku anymore.

Sigh, I just hope Korasaku won't be in my way or something. I'm used to getting betrayed, so I prepared a taser and other things to protect myself. I hope it will be helpful.

As I continued to walk towards the place, I put my doubts behind me, and get back onto focusing on the reason why I came here.

"Ugh!" The hell? My I.D. from my work was still on me, Ah! right, before coming here I was on my work. I forgot to put it back on my locker "what bad luck." I sighed as I removed my ID laces on the almost wilted branches. it seems like it got tangle on it.

This place is really abandoned now that it's trees and plants are about to die. well, It's no wonder, no one is taking care of them.

As I walked through the hallway towards the meeting place, I putted my ID in my bottom side pocket, it may get on the way after all.

I flicked on the lights.

No one was here, huh.

Nothing but cold emptiness. …

When I turned on the lights I only saw the glistening tile, as I expected this house that's near the park as dump place, a perfect place for that bitch but why does it seem clean?

"sigh" Thay bitch is not here nor korsaku. What the hell? I've worked myself up over nothing. To think no one i----


A hand covered my face and pulled my head back. A searing pain shot through my neck."Uh- ahck." I felt another hand grab my hands, twisting my wrists until I thought they might break. I was pulled backward, off my feet, and was dragged across the dark. Surely no one is gonna pass by here because this is the place I've chosen because of that reason. Shit! What's going on now?..

I pumped my arms, trying to hit the assailant with my elbow. I made contact with the body, but with hardly any force. I tried to twist out of the grasp but the man snapped my head back again, causing incredible pain.

I tried to reached out for my taser in my pocket to use, but In the next instant I felt myself being shoved in a chair, and rope being thrown around me. Shit! they tied my hands behind my back.

The hand on my face released me for an instant. But before I could turn my head, a heavy cloth was snapped over my eyes and pulled tight. I tried to move my arms, but the rope restrained me. It took only a few seconds more before I was completely incapacitated and blind to the world. …

Shit! The hell? Did I really got set up in the place I've set in? You're pathetic Matsuki! I clenched my fist in frustration and grit my teeth.

Damn it! what the hell is going on? Is this Korasaku's doing?..Shit! I can't move!



What was it now?

I heard a creek sound around me. and it seems like their doing something on the other side of the hallway, as if the other man were moving something. I felt the sodden blindfold being lifted from my head. I've blinked several times, my eyes burning from the cloth they tied on my eyes.. I shook my head and tried to focus. The lights were on and is blindingly bright.

Sensing the assailants behind me, I turned my head, but couldn't see them.

I looked forward, finally able to make out images, and saw someone sitting across from me.

what are they're planning now and who are they? Shit! I don't know but I'm pretty sure this is bad. My body seemed to got some beating, it hurts!

As I focused my eye sight in front of me to see who's behind of it, I see something, In a chair, secured with ropes, was the lifeless body of a guy. It's Korasaku Lee, his head hung limply to one side.

"Hey !" Slapped by one of the guys, "Wake up!" Korasaku came into his sense and suddenly, he jerked himself violently in his chair, tipping himself over, falling hard on the concrete. His head hit with sudden force. And it seems like he almost blacked out.

"Matsu-ki?.." Korasaku had manage to glimpse on my direction and started to mumbled something.

"I told you, *cough!" "Not come." He said in a frustrated tone.

Then he closed his eyes.

"You brat? Huh, Did he passed out?" Wondered by the bald guy who's wearing a black suite as he stomped on Korasku's face.

"I told you not to be so harsh on him, now we can't even ask him anything, now he's pretty much useless like the other ones." A matured high tone voice came from behind me. I looked over my shoulder and see a suave, but not extraordinary.

Somehow, my hair on back of my neck rises, as if my body is trying to tell me something about the danger that's approaching.

I look at him, and the first things I notice was the cold eyes. They don't look normal and they hold zero emotion, as if those eyes are looking through me, sending a chill up my spine. I blinked, and suddenly, that look is gone, and there is a slight smirk on his face, almost as if he's planning something no good.

I examined the place and see that the people here except me and Korasaku were only two guys. One is in front of me and the other who's near me.

Although the place is pretty worn out as I saw before, why didn't I noticed that something had changed. There are more boxes and the place is much cleaner than before, it's as if they were already waiting for me..

"Ha-ha-." Well, that's to be expected they may have made Korasaku spills the beans.

But more importantly, I've looked them in the eyes, and see their dull faces as if the were vampire or something, they're eye bags is a mess; they seemed to be in their 20s, or 30s? They have beard; their face is scary too.. partnered by their big body, it's more like they were some kind of criminal.

Who the fuck are they? what's their aim? If it's not Korasku's doing then whom?

No, that doesn't matter right now, What I need to focus on is how can I get away from this. My hands are tied pretty tight.

They were too professional to this..

"Hey?" I felt a heavy forced on my head, pulling me to look up. I see a big hand on my head, my head was gripped as if it was a basketball getting gripped by a player. "You're Matsuki Satoro?" He asked, "Based on the description I've received from Madam you should be a little small fry and a timid guy, but from what I can see...." He bent his neck, leaning close to my face, he stared at me, "You're not even close to that.."
