Chapter 173: Source Of Hate Part One

Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Alicia cleared her throat and had Loeri bring the ghouls head up so everyone could see him. "First let me introduce Mr. ghoul here."

"I have a name." The ghoul said in a disgruntled tone. Only to be smacked by Loeri after, quickly shutting him up.

"He is the only living existence that we know of that is left from the time of the Subterranean race. He is the reason why I called Royal Father here. Now I did not just call you all here based on his words alone." Alicia pulled out a letter that was left behind by the subterranean that she was in the process of helping with their dying wish. "This letter describes the happenings during the time the darkness had engulfed the subterranean race."

Alicia went on to explain everything that they knew. After hearing everything King Augustus went into deep thought. "I see. So the reason you contacted me was due to the entity of which was even able to cause trouble for the fallen god?"

"Yes. That is precisely the reason. I did not want to act on my own in a situation where if one thing was done wrong something eviler than any threat we have now could be released into the world. We are all new squires, and one mistake could end up causing a huge issue for all of us." Alicia answered.

"Very good judgment! " King Augustus nodded his head in approval. He then turned to the knights behind him. "From this point on we will be going on an expedition to find this old ruin where this entity is located. You will all be under my daughter, Princess Alicia's command. I will be here as well to supervise to make sure nothing happens."

Alicia looked at King Augustus in confusion. She did not understand why he was giving her command of such a large squad of knights when he was right here. King Augustus let out a laugh looking at Alicia's expression. "It's a chance for you to learn. I will be here the entire time. So take this chance to learn how to command a sixteen knight unit. These are all elite knights. Each one has equal or above the same prowess as you."

With King Augustus's words, Alicia had no choice but to go along with this arrangement. She also knew that if she ever had to step on to the battlefield, she would either be in such a unit or may even be leading the unit herself. But King Augustus had more than that in mind. He wanted Alicia to have her own knights order in the future. A knights order that was only under her command.

Under the ghoul's guidance, Alicia and her group started their journey towards the main city. This trip was not going to be a short one. From what the ghoul was telling Alicia, that during the times when the Subterranean people were at its peak they had transportation machines that allowed for quick and easy transportation between the cities. What was a three to four day trip on foot was only an hour by way of their transportation machines.

From What Alicia could tell by the single track that was laid on the ground, she figured it was more of a monorail style train than anything else. She only deduced this based on the monorails in Japan. But now these same passageways were riddled with demonic beasts.

The group continued to press forward and as they did the demonic beast became stronger and stronger. The tainted Magicules in the area seemed to become even denser as they got closer to their destination. This caused Alicia and her group to become very worried. "Royal Father this..."

"I know… This is not good. Dr. Feanreal, what do you think?" King Augustus turned his head and looked at Dr. Feanreal.

"There is something in the area that is tainting the Magicules in the air. As for us, we should not go any further or more that we need to backtrack a half day to get to a safe area. Some of Princess's companions seemed to be having a hard time." Dr. Feanreal answered. Even her face was becoming somewhat pale.

Alicia looked over at Starla and Annelia whose faces were completely pale and quickly ran over to them. "Why didn't you speak up!?"

A worried expression filled Alicia's face. The Magicules here are very harmful to humans and if they get exposed for too long they could even have mutations to their body or go mad or worse die all together! "Alicia we didn't want to hold you back." Starla answered.

"Why put yourself in danger for something like that! Any time you are having issues you need to speak up. But this is also my fault for not paying enough attention to you all. I'm sorry." Alicia turned to two of the female knights that were with them and asked: "Can I bother you two to carry them back?"

"Yes, of course, Princess." The two female knights answered in unison.

After Starla and Annelia were taken care of, Alicia stood and faced the knights that were under her command. "I am a very inexperienced leader and am still very young so please while we are down here facing the unknown, I must ask that you all please keep me informed if you are not feeling well, or have any other issues. Tainted Magicules are very dangerous and can do a lot of harm to your bodies. As Dr. Feanreal has said we need to backtrack a half day to get out of the danger zone. Once we are safe, we will come up with our next plan. If any of you have any ideas at that time please speak freely. Our goal must be reached. We do not know what this entity is or what it will do if it ever breaks free. So we must get to it and figure out a way to contain it. Before it releases another Darkness that might spread across the lands above."
