Chapter 174: Source Of Hate Part Two
Phantasia: The Princess Knight
After another half day backtracking Alicia and her group made it outside the danger area. While Starla and Annelia were resting, Alicia had Dr. Freanreal, King Agustus, Rose, Loeri, the knights and Blake all gather for a meeting to try to come up with ideas. This process seemed to be taking some time since it was the first time in the history of Phantasia that someone was trying to find a way to enter a place with such dense tainted Magicules.
"I really can't think of anything..." Alicia complained. She only knew that you could manipulate the Magicules in the air and nothing beyond that. Tainted Magicules was a whole different field of expertise.
"Well theoretically we could try to purify the tainted Magicules but such a dense amount is a bit much for anyone who specializes in holy magic." Dr. Feanreal frowned, she was not sure what to do either.
"If that is the case I might have a way. But…" Alicia said but looked at King Augustus.
"Mmm… Fine but the only ones to go besides you will be Blake and I. Everyone else is to stay here and secure this area, understood?" King Agustus looked over everyone there. And then instructed Rose to take care of Starla and Annelia.
The three then made the trek back towards the area they had been before. "Remember Alicia just like before." Blake gave Alicia a bit of encouragement.
"Mhm…" Alicia closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. She wanted to visualize something even stronger than her last spell. Something that could truly cleanse the area of its tainted Magicules. Images started to appear in Alicia's head as she tried to piece together an entirely new spell. She suddenly knelt to the ground in a prayer position and started to once again speak in the language of the Celestial race.
A bright golden light burst out and surrounded Alicia causing Blake and King Augustus to have to shield their eyes. The golden light grew brighter and as if out of the void the sounds of trumpets could be heard sounding off. Countless magic circles formed around Alicia causing Blake and King Augustus to stare wide eyed.
"This can't be? This many summoning circles all at once? There has to be at least one hundred of them!" King Augustus exclaimed.
Out of these magic circles, beautiful girls dressed in white one piece dresses, with white feathered wings on their backs appeared. Each one had a golden halo on top of their golden blonde hair. They were the spitting image of angels back on Earth. Alicia's eyes suddenly shot open and like before they reflected the starry night's sky. In a low voice that was still loud enough for those close by to hear, Alicia softly spoke: "The Second Coming!"
As her words fell all the Angels' eyes started to glow brightly as they all clasped their hands together and opened their mouths. A golden light could be seen growing brighter and brighter from within their mouths. Once it seemed to reach a critical point the golden light shot out of their mouths spreading out in a cone down the tunnel. The golden light seemed to be as if it was liquid as it touched every nook and cranny of the tunnel, leaving no spot untouched.
The light was so bright that those who were waiting on them, even had the tunnel section they were in, brighten as if it was the sun itself that had risen. "What's going on, what is that!?" one of the knights yelled. But soon another knight spoke up saying: "It's best not to ask. If we were to know we would have been brought along. The only thing I can say is that our little Princess is not to be taken lightly." It did not take a fool to understand this was Alicia's doing. They knew this but they did not know how she did it. They had all heard her earlier when she said she might be able to deal with the issue.
The golden light pushed down the tunnel as Alicia was having a hard time keeping herself upright. Sweat dripped from her forehead and her face gradually started to turn pale. She was using every ounce of her magic to pull off a miracle. King Augustus and Blake could only watch on. There was nothing they could do. If she collapsed then King Augustus would immediately rush forward to catch her.
Back at the rest area the ghoul felt a familiar magic and started freaking out. "Ahh! It was her! The little runt who destroyed my body! Ouch hey! Why are you hitting me? Ouch, quit it!" Loeri began smacking the ghoul around after its little outburst.
"You say stupid things and it makes me want to hit you. Why should I, the Great Loeri, need any other excuse to hit a noisy thing?" Loeri nonchalantly said as she continued to whack the ghoul.
"Fine! Come here and let me bite your ankles!" The ghoul knowing he couldn't do a thing still acted tough even in his dire situation. The scene of the two fighting like that caused the knights, Starla, Annelia, and Rose's moods to lighten a bit. With such a what if situation looming over their heads there was no knowing what might happen if they did make it to the old ruins. They could only hope for the best and hope nothing goes wrong.
On the other side, Alicia was now completely pale. She was white as a sheet as if all blood had been drained from her body. Her body swayed as the magic circles and angels around her began to flicker. "I can't… any… longer..."