Chapter Ten


Jeff bade farewell to Sidney before running off to his Aviation lectures.

"Have a nice day, Sidney."

"All right Jeff. I will forward the email address of the Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group to you if I get it, so you can send your email to them."

"Oh Sidney, you are such a caring friend. I will be on my way."

Jeff walked out to the Aviation Department and met a welcome ovation that almost chased him back. He smiled at everyone and gave them hugs.

"Thank you all for your understanding. I appreciate you for coming."

One of them encouraged.

"We should be the one thanking you for bringing glory to our department. We love you."

"Thank you. If I may ask, how are we preparing for the project? Any plans?"

Jeff asked. One of the girls giggled and informed him.

"Prof. Wood gave me a hint. I will brief the class later. You know, we are the members of the Best Department."

"All right. That is good."

They all settled down and waited for the lecturer. At the end of the lecture, Jeff who was already exhausted ran off to meet Leon who was waiting for him at the library. Leon felt for him.

"Big bro, you are overworking yourself."

"I have to do it now that I'm young. Anyway, thank you for your concern. Your presence makes it lighter for me. Let us go."

They ran off to their car and drove off. They met Mr. Morris at the entrance. He stayed longer than usual today.

"Good day dad. You stayed at the office longer today."

Jeff asked as he got off his car. Mr. Morris got off his car too.

"I stayed longer to check the Elderly Home Project. Your dad will soon be around for the commissioning. Welcome back, Leon."

He welcomed Leon who came to hug him.

They all settled down and had their dinner. Before Jeff could settle down to read the emails he had received, he saw five hundred and fifty emails. He read them one after the other, beginning from the Acting VC.


We sincerely wish to apologize for the delay in responding to your mail dated… Please be informed that there are no students from your organization in our school. Most of our students appear low profile due to security reasons which made it difficult for us to fish out their identities.

However, we wish to inform you that we are not contented. We solicit your support to enable us to keep the school afloat and, most importantly, to enable us to give our students (the Eaglets) the quality education they deserve to SOAR. We look forward to a cordial business relationship.

Yours, Prof. Clement Thompson. Acting Vice-Chancellor. The Eagles, City University).

He smiled and gave a quick response.


Your mail of …., was received in good faith. I will appreciate it if you revert, stating the needs of the school. Please, Attention your mail to THE INTERNATIONAL VICE CHAIRMAN.


Chairman. Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group).

He read through the mails from his course mates from both departments. He noticed that Sidney had not indicated interest, and some applicants were not even from his department. Not only that, but he smiled and called the attention of Leon, who was studying at the reading desk.



"How is your department preparing for the upcoming project?"

"They are just stranded. When I'm ready, we will go to the Industrial Area Complex together."

"I'm not using Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group as my Case Study."

The puzzled Leon gave him an incredulous glance and inquired.

"Where do you intend to use?"

"Endless Love Arcadia."

"Oh! I have never thought of a place like that."

"Have you forgotten my parents' wedding anniversary two years ago? They bought all their accessories there."

"You're right Leon. In that case, you deserve to be given attention."

"You are right. I'm working on that. But I have a problem."

"What is the problem?"

"Some of my course mates have written to Cherry Fields indicating their interest in using us as their case studies. I can't turn them down, neither do I know how to handle them."

"I will handle it for you."

"How? How will you handle it without revealing your identity?"

"I will create a Google Form requesting their details. That will help eliminate the students outside your department.

"That's good. Create the form, so I will reply immediately to their mails."

Thursday Morning.

Jeff's class was calm that morning. Many students were in the class that morning. They have learned how to avoid being locked out for coming late. Different groups of students were seen seated together, discussing in low tones. To Jeff's surprise, one of his fellow students approached him with a friendly smile.

"Hello Jeff, how are you?"

"I'm cool Greg. And you?"

"I'm good. I have top-notch information for you."

Jeff's interest was captured instantly. He adjusted his sitting position and asked with great expectations.

"What is it?" I'm listening."

Greg looked from one side of the class to the other, making sure that no one would hear what he wanted to say. This move made Jeff more anxious.

"You see, we the citizens are the ones allowed access to the companies around. As a foreigner, you are not permitted to use any of the big companies as your case study. But I can be of help if you play your card well."

Jeff, who was more advanced in manipulations than him, feigned surprise and gratitude.

"Wow! I have never thought of it. Thank you so much. Please, tell me, what do I do?"

Greg was convinced that he had won a jackpot and intensified his lies."

"You see, I'm divulging this information to you because I see you are a serious person. I met someone who knows someone who knew the friend to the son of the Chairman of the Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group. He only needs a little token of five thousand to link us to the son of the Chairman."

He gave the genealogy of the people he had to meet before he can get across to the son of the Chairman. The first thought that crossed Jeff's mind was to give him a hand strike, but their discussions were interrupted by the presence of Mr. Noah. It was for Greg's good because Jeff was already irritated. Sidney also walked in and took his seat.

"We will continue later, Jeff."

The expressionless face of Jeff startled Greg, but he left all the same.

"A good morning to you class."

"Good morning, Mr. Noah."

"Our topic today is…'

While the lecture was going on, Jeff was conscious of time. At 10:00 am, Mr. Noah was done, and he left the class.

Jeff hurriedly left the class to keep his appointment with the Endless Love Arcadia after informing Sidney that he would skip the next lecture. He got to his car and got in. His aides and security also got ready. He sat back on the driver's seat, leaving the door open. He decided to forward the Google form to the contacts to while away time. Just then, Greg appeared. He had trailed him as he left the class to conclude their discussion.

"Hello Jeff, as I was saying…"

Jeff did not give him the delight to waste his time. He halted him in the most ignoble manner.

"Panhandler or fraudster. If I hear you scam anybody with the name Cherry Fields Oil and Gas Group, I will make sure you regret it. Be gone."

Jeff's voice scared him. He looked around to see if any student was around and watching, when no one was in sight, he decided to redeem his face.

"We are not fighting, are we? I only wanted to assist you as a foreigner. The highest you can do is to say you're not interested. You don't have to shout."

"If you wish to assist a foreigner, why are you asking us to pay to you and not to the Government?"

Greg was rendered speechless, and he left with his tail between his legs."