Chapter Nine

The Young Billionaire's Guts 2

Jeff walked out of the Arcadia with a sense of fulfillment. The staff watched him as he left through the CCTV up to the car park until he drove off. The lady who seemed to know all the higher-ups in the city inquired from her boss.

"Who is he?"

"We have to find out."

They quickly searched his information and were bemused when they discovered that it was classified. They looked at each other once again before the boss exclaimed.

"What! I hope you did not offend him?"

The petrified Front Desk Officer nodded in the negative.

"I don't think so."

The manager replayed the footage beginning from the time he got in and the time he left, he did not see anything extraordinary about him. He decided to meet the Chairman of the organization with the form. She was a beautiful woman in her mid-fifties. She can be mistaken for forty years, old lady. He knew that she would not like to be bothered with trivial issues, but this required her attention. Her office was on the tenth floor of the building. Occasionally, the staff hardly set their eyes on her as she maintained the life of a virtual recluse. Her immediate staff, who helped her to sustain such solitary life, ward off unnecessary guests. The appearance of the Operations Manager with a visitor's form was quite strange to the secretary. She pushed back the responsibility back to him.

"You will have to hand over that to her yourself."

The secretary commanded. The manager smiled and said.

"I can understand."

He got to her office and handed over the visitor's form to her and waited for her to go through it and give her a response before he took his leave. Unfortunately, she was too busy to go through the form. He called her attention to it with utmost diplomacy.

"Boss, when do I get the feedback?"

"Oh! You're still here."

She picked the form and glanced at it and became emotional but recollected herself. But the Manager saw it, though could not decipher what it was for.

"What do you suggest Manger? You know this is against our policy?"

Throwing the question back to him was a hard nut to crack, but before he could think of what to say, the Chairman continued.

"Can you give him the information he needed for his project? But after this, no more condoning such request."

"It all right, boss. But the information he needed can only be provided by only you."

"You are right. In that case, ask him to come around tomorrow, same time."

"Thank you, boss."

The Manager was relieved. The Chairman had taken a burden away from him. Before Jeff got back to school, he got a message alert from the Endless Love Arcadia inviting him to a meeting with the Chairman by 11 am the next day.

'Mission accomplished.'

He thought as he beamed with a smile. He got to his class and discovered that the lecturer did not show up. Furthermore, he missed nothing but gained a lot. As a matter of, Leon only read his message after the second lecture.

At the Endless Love Arcadia

After the Operations Manager left and shut the door, she picked up the visitor's form and looked at it again and, felt nostalgic about the past three decades. A memory she would never forget. She dried the tears that always flow freely each time the memory surfaced. She tried to get more details of the guest that bears the same name as the man he would never forget but thought against it.

'It will only cause me more pains."

She pushed the form away and dried her tears again.

At the Eagles City University.

Sidney and other members of the class were trying to think of a reputable company in the city that would give them the mark that they require apart from the two prestigious and wealthy companies. There are other big companies like manufacturing companies, beverages, eateries, oil big oil they had been overused. The school authority wanted a change, an opportunity to draw the attention of the big shots to the school.

At that instance, Jeff got a message alert from the Acting Vice-Chancellor. He glanced at the message and ignored it when he noticed the sender. He disliked the habit of treating official messages in school. Likewise, he concentrated on his school work. While he was reading his book, the next lecturer walked in, looking very impressed. He was at the lunch yesterday. He met the students with gloomy faces, but he cheered them up with his greetings.

"A good day to the best department on the campus."

The moody students jolted out of their hopeless mood and smiled at the lecturer.

"Good day to you, Prof. Wood."

The lecturer tilted his head to one side with his hands in his pocket when he noticed the coldness in their forced smile and asked.

"Why are your mouths smiling, but your eyes are not? Could it be the project fever?"

The students became interested and adjusted the postures as one of them responded.

"Yes. Prof. Wood. It had not been easy."

"I understand, but you know that much is expected of your department. You have to live up to expectations of retaining your position."

"Give us a clue, Prof. Wood."

"Okay, I will give you a clue. Have you thought of sending an email to these organizations' email addresses requesting to have an audience with them?"

The students gave different responses.

"We have tried, we only got automated responses."

"How does one get their email?"

"That would be a waste of energy."

"They are too busy with such trivial messages."

Prof. Wood listened with keen interest. After getting their complaints, he proceeded.

"Your reasons are understandable but do you know that you are at advantage now?"

The mentally disoriented students asked.


"You are now the students of the leading department on the campus. Did you see what happened yesterday at the lunch treat?"

He flashed a glance at Jeff who was paying attention too and back to the students. The class was becoming interesting. They do not mind if that would be all he could teach for that day. When he did not get an answer to his question, he continued facing Jeff with his two hands on his waist.

"Did you invite me to the lunch yesterday?"

"No Prof."

Jeff replied.

"But I was there. I invited myself."

He said, facing the class. He faced Jeff again and asked.

"Did you invite the Heads of the Departments, the Acting VC, or the Governing Board Chairman? But they were all there. What do you think was their reason? Success. Success attracts people to you naturally. I advise you to use the success of your department and write to any organization of your choice and watch out for their responses."

Jeff quickly pressed his phone's silent mode button before the wowed student began to cheer up.

"Wow! Prof. Wood, you're the best. Thank you."

"We got it."

"I will do that now."

They began to pull out their phones from their pockets, but the Prof., who came for his lecture and not project or success tips, warned with a stern face.

"Drop your phones. The lecture is about to begin."

Directly, they dropped their phones and concentrated on the lecture that was about to begin. They were smart enough to know that he was done with the interlude, and it was over. They had the lecture peacefully, and he ended with a morale booster before leaving the class.

"Go and succeed with your projects."

The class cheered up and promised.

"We will succeed."

"We will make you proud."