Forty Three

The reinstatement

Dora was dumbfounded just like her husband to see the sturdy. 6.5ft (ca. 2 m) tall, handsome Chairman that weighed 160 to 170 who was also energetic and sporty under their roof.

With the miracle of deliverance of the fuel tank explosion, they were ready to face any problem that may come their way because they were certain that they will overcome.

On Ken's instructions, Dora offered him his favorite drink – orange and pineapple juice. Ken knew what he was always served whenever he was around. He took it with all joy, without any iota of resentment. While he was taking it, Dora asked.

"Do you mind dinner with us?"

"Oh that will be great"

Mr. Jeffrey Morris accepted wholeheartedly because staying longer will give him the opportunity of staying longer with his new young friend.

"Jewel, come and say hello to the Chairman, Mr. Jeffrey Morris".

Mr. Ken Israel said as called out to her. Jewel walked from her room to the parlor and greeted.