Forty Four

The reinstatement 2

From The Airport

The three of them drove back to the hotel in silence. They did not use any driver for fear of their discussions been leaked by anyone. Mr. Robinson Kama was the driver, and it was almost 8 pm. The airport road was lonely as usual, which is what It was noted for – loneliness, especially on Sundays.

At a point, a car with three passengers came from the bush and set out to block them by swerving into their path. They weren't aware that they have been trailed since they left the hotel. Mr. Robinson Kama, who was a professional driver and had worked as the head of a patrol team of a Private Security Agent before he joined the Cherry Fields Oil and Gas. He knew the act of chasing criminals or been chased. He slowed down as though he was startled by their sudden appearance. But, they weren't certain that he was only setting out to distract them, so he can gain time.