Damage Control 24

Chapter Ninety Five

Damage Control 24

"Jeff, you are now a bigger boy. So, you can stay away from your parents for three consecutive nights without missing us."

Mr. Ken Israel pointed out to Jeff, who was sitting beside him, but he refuted his father's claim with his explanation.

"It is not so, dad. I missed all of you."

"We missed you too, but it is a good thing to be mature and independent, anyway."

"Thank you dad."

"You are welcome. I am taking you home now. Make sure you rest very well, so you can be strong for work tomorrow. Keep the Nyama Choma in the freezer until mom and your sister come back from school"

"Okay, Dad."

Mr. Ken Israel took him home and went back to the office, followed by Mr. Ahmed Nura.

At the Industrial Area.