Damage Control 25

Chapter Ninety Six

Damage Control 25

Subsequently, they left the office for the lift while Mr. Edwin Great tried to lock the door. Then, Mr. Ken Israel spoke.

"Before I forget, the Chairman said we are training at the Canadian Embassy Compound today. The Ambassador requested for it."

"Wow! That will be nice."

Then, the General Manager exclaimed.

"Oh! I just remembered something."

"What is that?"

Mr. Ken Israel asked.

"Could you believe that I forgot to invite the Ambassador to the Independent Anniversary Celebration?"

At this juncture, the elevator gate opened and the three of them got in while Mr. Edwin Great pressed the ninth floor button.

"That's a serious oversight."

Mr. Ken Israel pointed out.

"What do I do to correct it?"

The humble General Manager asked. Now, the elevator had stopped and the gate opened. Then, the General Manager ordered.

"You can return to the office, Edwin."

"All right, Sir."